Karenclamps her hand on my armas I try to tug it away from her waist. Mama Frost furrowsher brow, purses her lips as she takes in the scene. “What are youdoing?” she asks.
“Karen,”an older version of my date—sans the red streaks, nose ring, andpainted on pants—calls out, breezing through the door and heading our way with her armsopen wide, like she’s about to embrace both of us. Which she does,since my arm is still hooked around her daughter’s waist. “Is thisthe Danny you’ve been going on and on about? I’m so excited tofinally meet him.”
Anotherwoman steps into the restaurant behind her. They could betwinsgiven how similartheir facial features are. I’m guessing this is theaunt.
“Youare?”Cynthia says,staring down her nose at the other matriarch.
“MamaFrost, what a pleasant surprise,” I say, still fighting to extractmy arm from my date’s grip. “Didn’t expect to run into you on thisside of town.”
“I’mhaving my monthly lunch date with Hazel. I think I’ve told youabout her. We’ve been friends since second grade. Can youbelieve we still keep intouch like this?”
“Well,it’s only been twenty years, sosure,” I quip. Predictably, she chortles and swats myarm.
Karen’smotherand aunt arewatching our back and forth with far too much interest. “Is thisyour mother?” the aunt asks me.
“Notyet,”Cynthia says witha chuckle and mischief sparkling in her eyes.
“Oh?”Karen’s mother says, looking from me toher daughter while the wheels clearly churn in herhead. Karen is staring at me like I’m going to single-handedly beable to get us out of this mess. And I have no clue what todo.
“MamaFrost, can I speak toyou for a minute? Over by the bar?” I suggest, finally shaking offmy date and reaching for her arm.
“Karen,I’m sorry, but I can’ttake it anymore.”
We allturn in the direction ofthe new voice; a woman with a dark complexion and goddess braids inher hair strides toward us from another section of the restaurant.Her lips are painted a deep burgundy. She’s wearing a T-shirt andjeans, and there’s a silver chain hanging from her beltloops.
Uh-oh. Idon’t recall reading about a lover on Karen’sdossier. Specificallynot a female one. I glance at Karen to confirm my suspicion. She’sstaring at the woman heading our way with a combination of fear andlonging on her face.
ForgettingCynthia for a moment, I step forward to waylay the intruder. “Hey.I’m Danny. Can I buy you a drink at the bar?”
I reachfor her, and shesnatches her arm away like I’m about to light it on fire. “Do Ilook like I swing your way, pretty boy?”
“Nope,not in the least.Clearly, you don’t like guys who wear khakis.”
“I don’tlike guys atall.”
“Well, nowthat we’ve established that, how about I buy you a drink?”
“What doyou not understand? I didn’t come over here to talk toyou. I cameto—”
Iclap my hand over her mouth andpush her backward toward the bar. “I’m pretty sure I know exactlywhy you came over here, which is why we’re going over there.” Ipoint over her shoulder with my other hand.
Sheslaps my hand away, hard enough that I shake it a coupleof times to relieve the sting.Damn.
“I knowwhat you’re doing, and it’s bullshit,” she says once we’re cozied up to the bar, out ofsight and earshot from the rest of the group. God knows what MamaFrost is telling Karen and her mother and aunt right now, but Ican’t think about that. I gotta fix this first.
“I agree,” Isay and then ask, “What’s your poison?”
Sheglances at the bar and rolls her eyes. “What a stupid way tosay, ‘What do you want todrink?’”
“Damn,bust my balls over the way I offer you a drink.”
“Fine. GooseIsland IPA.”
“Excellentchoice,” I say and then lift two fingers to the bartender. “By theway, these are going on your girlfriend’s tab. She is yourgirlfriend, right?”
Her eyeswiden and then she nods. The tender places two chilled bottles before us, and I clinkthe neck of mine on hers and say, “To fucked up love.”