She lifts her hand, palm facing me. “Stop. Iget it. But how?”
“The usual way, I assume. Although thosenerdy types are often into kink, so there’s a distinct possibilitythere’s nothing at all usual about—”
I pause, take a swig from my bottle. “Okay,well, she is definitely hot, so I wasn’t opposed to hooking up withher, in the beginning. And her personality reminded me a little ofyou, so that’s like instant aphrodisiac.”
“Oh please.” She rolls her eyes, but there’sthat little smile tugging at her lips.
“So we walked into the party, holding handslike the good little couple. Her parents were standing at the door,greeting people, and I, of course, charmed the pants off them. Notliterally though. That wouldn’t have been good. Her dad has thesechicken legs, and I don’t even want to think about what they’d looklike without anything covering his guy parts.”
“You are really good with absolutelypointless details, do you know that?”
“Know what that says about me? That I’m goodat foreplay.”
She chuckles and twirls the narrow cocktailstraw in her drink. “Okay, that’s a bit of a leap, butwhatever.”
I shake my head. “No, it’s not. Think aboutit. There are plenty of guys out there who don’t give a shit aboutforeplay. They only do it because it’s necessary to get to the endproduct. Like our waiter,” I can’t help but say while I nod in hisdirection. “He’s the type who just wants to get his rocks off. Hewill do the bare minimum in order to reach that goal.”
She glances up, catches his eye, and quicklyturns back to me. “You don’t know that.” But she soundsdoubtful.
“I do know that I’m not one of those guys.I’ll let you in on a little secret, Ronnie. I love the chase.”
“This explains so much.”
“And if I love the chase this much, thinkabout how I’ll handle foreplay. I’m gonna drag it out as long ashumanly possible. I don’t want it to end, so I’m going to push youuntil you’re almost there, and then I’m going to pull back.”
She sucks in a sharp spurt of breath.
“And then I’m going to take you high again,get you almost to the top, until you’re ready to explode. And I’mgoing to back off again. Over and over, until you’re hot and sweatyand needy and begging for release.”
I clear my throat. I’d meant to get herworked up, not myself. Christ. I need a cold shower now.
Ronnie shakes her head while gripping theedge of the table until her knuckles are white. “Danny, we are nothere to discuss your ridiculous fantasies. We are here to discussbusiness. Our business. The oneyouwanted to start,remember?”
And there’s that icy cold shower.
I lean against the cushioned booth backwhile my balloon deflates. Our server steps up, and Ronnie glancesat his forearms from under her lashes while I try to pull hisattention by ordering another round.
Yep, soft as a marshmallow now. But that’show it’s supposed to be, right? I’m not supposed to win the girl.That’s not in the cards.
It’s all about the fun of the chase.
Ronnie’s phone pings, and she picks it upfrom the table. She glances at it and then lifts wide eyes to stareat me. “She just paid us. With a”— she looks back at the screen—“fifty percent tip.”
I grin while I enjoy this very tasty andclearly well-deserved beer. “We should go upstairs andcelebrate.”
“Oh stop it,” she says, her attention on herphone. She’s tapping away at the screen. “She says she’ll give us aglowing recommendation, in writing, just as soon as we have awebsite up. I need to get on that. I have some ideas for marketingthis gig, too. In the meantime, Sarah’s already suggested yourservices to three of her friends.” She lifts her glassy-eyed gazeto my face again. “This is real, Danny. It’s really happening. Ithink you’ve found your calling.”
“Does this mean we aren’t going up to yourroom tonight?”
“Well,well, I knew you couldn’t resist.” Danny smirks, leaning in the door of my new apartment.“What was it? The insanely good mental foreplay or the—”
“Don’tmake me regret this,” I say,rolling my gaze to the ceiling. It’s a better option thanstaring at him. That blue shirt really makes his eyes sparkle.Clings to his biceps too, especially where it’s rolled up past hiselbow.