I text her and my phone rings two secondslater. “The date’s over already?” she says by way of greeting.
“Hello, Ronnie, how are you?” I mock.
Her sigh is drawn out and full of agitation,which makes me chuckle. “So what happened?”
“Meet me in the bar in your hotel, and I’lltell you all about it. Unless you’d rather I come up to yourroom?”
She makes this noise, a littleeep,and then says, “No. I’ll be down in a minute,” before disconnectingthe call.
I lean back in the booth I’ve alreadysecured in a dark corner of the bar and watch as a male server withtattoos showing where he’s rolled up the sleeves of his white,button-down shirt heads my way. Damn, I should have scoped out thewaitstaff before deciding to entice her into joining me here. Withthe tats, that impressive chest his shirt is molded to, the longhair, and the earrings decorating his ears, I’m a little worried hemight distract my new business partner.
“I’ll take a Two Hearted Ale, and the ladyheading my way will probably want Johnny Walker Blue Label on therocks.”
Sexy Waiter Guy glances over his shoulder,and we both watch Ronnie as she makes her way toward us. She’sstill wearing the off-the-shoulder top and those short denim shortsand the sexiest flip-flops I’ve ever laid eyes on. I hear theserver’s sharp intake of breath, so I stand to greet her, pullingher into my arms as soon as she’s within reach. She pushes at mychest, and I release her when he turns away and heads to the bar toput in our drink order.
“What the hell was that for?” she demands asshe slides into the booth across from me.
“You look hot, by the way.”
“So that gives you permission to hugme?”
“Nope. I do that because I know it getsunder your skin. And I like to try to cop a feel wherever Ican.”
She rolls her eyes. “Did you take it uponyourself to order for me?”
“I did. Johnny Walker Blue Label.”
Her narrow, dark brows lift. “Nice. Althoughno doubt this will be charged to my room.”
“Of course it will.”
Our server returns, and I watch Ronnie whileshe takes in an eyeful of his painted forearms. I’ve never wanted atattoo before, but I have this sudden urge to drag her along as Ifind the nearest parlor and tell them to ink whatever she wantsinto my skin.
“So,” she says, watching the guy while hewalks away. “How did it go? Considering it’s only midnight, I’mguessing you and Sarah didn’t bump uglies.”
“She did try, but the effort was half-assedat best.”
“Really? That doesn’t sound like Sarah atall.”
I take a pull from my beer. “Turns out,she’s in love with her brother’s best friend.”
Ronnie almost spits out the swallow she’sjust taken of her drink. She takes a moment to regain her composureand says, “Kevin? He’s—he’s so…normal.”
I nod. “Kind of a geek, actually. Totallysomeone her parents would want her to settle down with. Which isexactly why she has been denying herself all these years.”
“Yep. Until tonight, actually.”
She narrows her eyes. “What did you do?”
I stretch my arm across the back of thebooth and lower my lids over my eyes, taking in the lovely view ofRonnie sitting in front of me, practically vibrating withanticipation.
“Well?” she demands, taking another slugfrom her drink.
I grin and lean forward, resting myun-tatted forearms on the table, too proud of my latestaccomplishment to play it cool any longer. “I played matchmaker.So, yes, Sarah is getting laid tonight. And probably tomorrowmorning, and tomorrow night, and the next—”