Page 59 of Sexy Bad Escort

I sheathmyself and clutch her hips. Staring into her eyes, I pull her downwhile thrusting at the same time, and she sinks onto my shaft witha gasp.

“This,”I say, my teeth gritted while I try my damndest to make this last, “this is my dream. I’mliving it right now.”

She makes thissexy little noise and then says, “Having sex in the chair?”

I giveher an extra deep thrust for that one, and she answers with aguttural groan while grinding down ontomy cock.

“Beinghere with you,”I saybetween gasps. My balls start to tighten, and my dick is pulsing. Ireach between us and thrum her clit. I need her to race over theedge with me. “Just. Being. With. You.”

Shesqueezes her eyes shut and throws her head back and lets out a scream as her bodyconvulses, her inner muscles milking me until I explode. Hermovements gradually slow until she finally collapses against me,and I can feel her heart beating the same erratic rhythm of myown.

“I thinkthis is mynew favoritechair,” I say.

Shegiggles. “Yeah, minetoo.”



“This isweird,” I whisper under my breath so only Danny canhear.

“You’retelling me.” He squeezes my knee under the table. We’re surrounded by the entirety of theFrost family. And wait for it! Danny’s family is heretoo.

Dannyand his fatherhaveactually been talking, and not just about sports. Danny’s dad evenadmitted that he might have put too much pressure on him to conformto the Harrison sporting legacy. It took a lot of stilted texts andphone calls and even a couple of visits before they really startedmaking amends. There might have been a bottle of Blue Label andseveral renditions of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” involved, too. Atany rate, once they started talking it was pretty clear that Hankregretted the lack of relationship between them these past eightyears. He might even have managed to verbalize how proud he is thatDanny found his own calling, sounding downright impressed, infact.

Icertainly am. I am soproud of what we’re accomplishing together. We’re even looking overapplications for a couple of new Dannys to add to our team, if wecan find men with that perfect blend of funny, cute, andcompassionate. Which isn’t easy. Danny’s one in a million, andfinding men with similar character is not an easy task.

Warmthenvelops meas I coverthe hand resting on my knee with my own. More Dannys means I getmore time with the one and only original, and I like that idea alot. So much so that I’m living with a man who isn’t a bloodrelation for the first time in my life.

“I still don’t understand how your mothermanaged to organize this,” Danny says. “But Dad’s thrilled. Look athim. He’s in his element.”

Hankiscurrently in deep conversation with my father and Garrett over golfand baseball and clubs and bats and swings and God knows what else.My mother and his are opening their second bottle of wine whilethey conspiratorially murmur about something that may or may not berelated to the fluttering sensation in my belly. Yeah, those twotogether can’t be good.

Even Joeis here.Wearing aVintage Ramones T-shirt and gray beanie, he’s enjoying a beer withJames and Paynt while they stand over the grill. He’s come home ona semi-regular basis these last couple of months to check on theirmother and to spend time with Danny. Now that they’re speakingagain, both of them are trying to catch up on what they’ve missedof each other’s lives. In fact, Danny and I are heading toCalifornia for a week in early November.

The restof us—the kids, Myra,Erin, and Circus O’Animal—are inside.

“Itwasn’t my mother.” I grin.After all, I did learn from the best.

“Youorganized this?”Dannyshifts to face me. “You’re Wonder Woman.”

I shrug.“It wasn’t that difficult. A few phone calls.” Dozens of text messages. Severalemails. It’s hard enough to get my family all in the same place atthe same time with their schedules. Add in a whole otherfamily—including one from out of state—and it’s a logisticsnightmare. But it’s totally worth it. Besides, Mom has actuallybeen bugging me about meeting the Harrisons. She threatened totrack them down herself.

“Uh-huh.”Dannyleers at me. I guess he knows better.

“Okay, fine.” Iroll my gaze at him. “It took some finagling, but I told them itwas important.”

“Howimportant?” His brows narrow across the bridge of his noseas his gaze darts from me toour mothers, who keep glancing at us between excited whispers. It’senough to make even me wonder if I’ve somehow managed to getpregnant without knowing.

My pulsestarts to race as Ijumpout of my chair and walk away from the table.

Danny joins meby the railing. “What’s going on?”

My palmsare clammy, and my mouthis sticky. He wraps an arm around my waist, and I twist in his holdso that I can stare into his eyes. “I never expected I would end uphere, doing this. At least I didn’t before I fell in love withyou.”

“Doing what?Having dinner with both our families? I didn’t either. At least notwith mine.”

“Shh.” Iclamp my palm over hismouth.