“Almost,” shesaid impatiently, trying to wiggle out of my grasp.
“Do you loveme?”
“Ithink so. Yes. Yes, Ido.”
“Are you goingto tell your mother about us?”
She freezes.Her shoulders sag. “She’s going to be relentless.”
“You don’twant babies?”
“Ofcourse I do. Maybe. Someday. I just don’t want to be pressuredintodoing it soonerthan I’m ready. There’s still so much we can do with Rent-A-Danny.We need to start advertising, to grow the business. There are somelocal magazines we should run ads in, and maybe partner with someof the clubs around town, like the one Sam works at. And I want toadd more detail to the website. And—”
“You don’tjust love me. You love it. The business we created together.”
“Maybe,”she admits. “It may be my calling too. But”—she lifts her finger, waving it in my face—“Ilove you more. If I had to choose, I’d choose you. Handsdown.”
Irelease my hold on her waist and place my hands on her thighs,sliding them up until my fingersslip under the hem of her skirt. She sucks in abreath and grasps my shoulders. “I’ve missed you so much,” shesays.
“I thinkPucker and I should move in,” I say, my breathing choppy as I pushher dress up and over her head. “Officially.”
I’m notsure I can go slowtonight. My blood is pounding in my ears, and my dick ispressing against my zipper with enough pressure that it almosthurts.
“That’samarvelous idea.” Shegrabs at my shirt while I palm her breasts. “We’ll move all yourstuff tomorrow.” She tosses the garment over her shoulder andstarts tugging at my belt.
“After wevisit both our parents.”
Shegroans andfrowns. “I’mpretty damn worked up here. Are you seriously trying to kill themood?”
I chuckle andcup her cheeks, pulling her close so I can kiss those pouty lips.“Not at all. I just want it to be more than sex, that’s all.”
“It is.”
“And Iwant us to both makethings right with our families.”
She blinksrapidly. “You’re-you’re going to talk to your dad?”
I nod. “Idon’t even need you to come with me, if you don’t want to.”
Hersmile is watery. “Of course I want to go with you. I always want tobe thereforyou.”
I wrapmy arms around herbackand pull her flush against my body. What a few seconds ago was asense of desperation has morphed into such a tender moment, there’sa lump in my throat and my eyes feel wet. I nuzzle her cheek, andshe turns toward me, capturing my lips in a kiss that is bothtender and sensual at the same time. She hugs me close while shegrinds against me, and I work at the clasp on her bra. It springsfree, and I slide the thing off her shoulders and tweak her nipplesbefore breaking the kiss so I can give some affection to herbreasts, too.
Shelifts herself up onto her kneesand tugs my pants down my legs, but I cover her hands withmy own and say, “We need to go to the bedroom. I don’t have acondom.”
“Oh,”she says, and reachesfor her handbag, producing a small foil square.
I arch myeyebrows.
“I knew wewere going to be in the same place tonight.”
I shovemy pantsand boxers downto my knees and snag the condom. “What did you think, that we’dbang right there at the bar?”
Shelifts one shoulder. “A girl candream, can’t she?”