Page 12 of Sexy Bad Escort

“Want myhelp christening this place?” He pushes away from the door andfollows me through the living area. “We can start in the bedroom,move to the couch, and then work our way through eachroom.”

“Slighthitch. I’ve already madeit painfully obvious that I’m not going to sleep with you. Also Iwon’t have a couch for at least another week.” I wave at the emptyarea where my newest piece of furniture will go.

“Whosays we need a couch?” He bends down and runs his hand across theplush rug I bought this morning.

It wasso perfect for this area, and my inner decorator kicked in. Couldn’t pass it up.Should have passed it up if the wolfish grin on his face is anyindication. I try not to imagine what he’s thinking as he strokesit.

“I’mflexible.I can workwith this. Bet it’d be soft on your bare skin. Heighten thepleasure while I take my time getting you hot andneedy.”

Bitingmy lip, I rub the sole of my foot overthe rug and watch the color change. Yes, it reallyis that soft. “Do you ever give up?”

“Sometimes.” Straightening, he shrugs. “When I have agood enough reason. Whichreminds me... how come you haven’t told anyone you’re home yet?It’s been two weeks.”

“Twocrazy weeks. I’ve been busy. I had to find thisapartment, and bookingyour dates is a full-time job.” Breakfast dates. Lunch dates.Dinner and dessert dates. “We’re already booked two weeks inadvance.”

“Have tosay this scheme is the best thing I’ve ever come up with. Havingwomen pay for everything has been adream of mine. Don’t think I’ve bought anything inthe past week.”

“Exceptthatshirt.” I head for the kitchen.

“Ohyeah. Well, appearance is important, right? These women want the perfect date. Not aslouch.”

“Half ofthem want you to show up naked.”He still hasn’t slept with any of them as far as Iknow. Kind of surprised that his scruples don’t include takingadvantage of women but do include being paid to take advantage ofwomen. “You’ve had a dry couple of weeks.”

“Are youkeeping tabs on me?Doyou want me to show up naked? Would it help my case?” he asks as Ipick my laptop up from the table. “Perhaps tie a red bow around mypecker. ’Cause I would do that for you.”

I almostdrop mycomputer. I canjust imagine him showing up at my door butt naked, with one ofthose red ribbon flowers stuck on his dick. “That’s not... I didn’task you to come over because... We have a website.”

“We do?”

Stridingacross the kitchen, he stands behind me to look over my shoulder.His warm breath hits the side of my neck as he leans closer. “That’s ourwebsite?”

“It is.What do you think?”

“You didthis?”

“Uh-huh.Paynttaught me the basics. Enough to set up Rent-A-Dannyanyway.”


“You soundsurprised.”

“Alittle.”My eyes widen,which apparently prompts him to explain further. “Not that you didthis. You’re clever and have a great eye. But we’re an escortservice. This doesn’t look sleazy. It looks reallyprofessional.”

“Thanks.”Warmthspreads through me as I catch a whiff of clean, masculine, boy nextdoor. Friendly, nice, definitely hot. It gets caught in my throatand makes my belly tighten. I’ve never noticed how good he smellsbefore. Well, I lie. We’ve worked together on enough projects nowthat I’ve been both fortunate and unfortunate enough to have todeal with the whole range of eu de Danny. But I wasn’t as aware asI am now.

“Does that sayI smell good?” He reaches around me to take the laptop. “CanI?”

“Sure.” I glanceover my shoulder as I hand it to him. That’s what it is. All thesewomen not only think his service is great but they are also awareof how attractive he is. And that, coupled with the conversation wehad the other night about foreplay is seriously messing with how Isee him.

His armbrushes mine, and Ican’t tell if he’s flirting with me or actually interested in thewebsite. Except he’s focused on the computer as he pulls a chairout from the table and takes a seat. “Ronnie, this is really great.I knew you were the perfect choice for this venture.”

“It’sall you,” I say. “Womenlove you. I don’t know how you’re doing it, but you’re giving themexactly what they need. Every single date you’ve had this week hassent in a testimonial. That’s—”

“I’mgood at this, Ronnie.” He glances at me. “This is something I’m actually goodat.”

“You’vedefinitely got a talent for it.” I pour coffee. Mix it with creamerand take him a cup.There’s something about the way he says it, as though he’ssurprised we’re doing so well already, that’s at odds with hisusual confidence. Surely, he expected this idea to work?

“Thanks.” He takes the cup from my hand and winds hisfingers around my wrist at the same time, keeping me close.“Thanks for taking a chance onme.”