Page 60 of What if I Told You

“No, not like that. I mean she slept with me. Like we’ve done at home a few times. Just sleeping. That’s all.”

His face falls and his brows furrow. “Oh.”

“Except it wasn’t just sleeping. It was…fucking weird but not fucking weird at the same time and then it was fucking awkward and?—”

“Whoa.” Ledger holds his hands up in front of him. “Slow down. Take a deep breath and tell us what happened.”

“She was reading this article on her phone. Something about guys needing to make their partners orgasm before they do.”

Ledger smirks. “That girl’s got some kink. I like it.”

“It was just Cosmo magazine. Nothing out of the ordinary, but when she brought it up I told her I agreed with those men.”

“As you should because duh.”

“Right. But then it came out that she’s never had an orgasm brought on by a dick.”

Ledger blinks.

Griffin blinks.

“I’m sorry, what?” he asks.

“You heard me.”

“She’s never had an orgasm by dick?”


Ledger clears his throat. “Is she a virgin?”


“More than one partner?”

“That’s what I asked her. And she said yes. And it’s not like we’ve never talked about sex over the years so I know she’s had sexual partners but the minute she told me that the men in her life have basically used her as a goddamn dumpster I…” I shake my head. “Well, it was two-fold. One, I immediately felt bad for every woman I ever fucked in a public bathroom stall or alley behind the bar.”

The guys chuckle but give me an understanding nod.

“And two, I was blown away and fucking pissed for Ella. That someone…no, multiple men would treat her that way makes me want to fucking punch someone.”

“I get it.” Griffin nods. “You care a lot about her. Of course, that news would shock you.”

“So, then she asks me what she’s been doing wrong all these years which broke my fucking heart for her and then asked me what I do with women that makes it so much better than what she was describing.”

“Oh boy.” Griffin shakes his head with a knowing smile. “Tell me you didn’t.”

I toss up my hands. “How could I not tell her? She wanted to know!”

“Okay,” Ledger says, watching me. “But how detailed did you get?”

“Pretty fucking detailed. And she was right there in my bed and I had my hands on her skin and we just kept getting closer and closer and I didn’t know if I was doing that or if it was her but by the time I was done describing everything to her, my hands were dangerously close to places they shouldn’t have been but want so badly to go, our pulses were racing, and she looked up at me with these sweet but sexy eyes like she wanted it. Like she was asking for it. Like my kissing her would’ve been the perfect way to end the night and she would’ve allowed it!”

“So, you fucked up by kissing her,” Griffin says matter of factly.

“No! I fucked up bynotkissing her!”

“Oh shit,” Ledger says. “So, she was expecting a kiss and you didn’t go for it.”