Butch still thought he could achieve his goal. Or Ludis could. And until I broke him of that belief, he wasn't going to tell me anything.
Sitting on a chair near the bed I considered the best way to get this vampire to talk. He was glaring at me as if he dared me to try.
“I know that you're looking for a relic. One that will make a big difference to what Ludis can do. I know that you're going to be the gopher for him and fetch and carry. Do you think that's enough for you.”
Butch laughed. “That's not going to get me to turn on Ludis. He is crazy and clever enough to see this through. I know what I am. This is my role. He will make sure I am rewarded. The world he helps create will be better for all our kind.”
“No. You think it will, but the Brethren have been there before. The human race won't take kindly to our kind existing and preying on them. They will fight back.”
“Like their ridiculous academy?” Butch laughed. “And your pathetic under cover enthralled. It's so obvious that she's a hunter.”
“She's everything she needs to be and more. You and Ludis are trash and youwillbe stopped.”
This time as Butch laughed I stomped on the other leg and broke that too.
He grunted but he stifled the noise and glared at me. This wasn't going to break him quickly. I had to keep trying, however. I could only leave Anais for so long and I knew that the longer he held out on me the more she might have to endure.
It gave me the motivation I needed to get on with the more unsavory aspect of this task.
“Who are you meeting in Greece?” I asked. Butch didn't answer.
I shifted over to his good arm and grabbed his hand. There was nothing he could do as I broke a finger.
After repeating the question and getting no answer, I did the same to every single digit on his hand. Butch clearly grew more agitated, but he didn't answer at all.
“All right, that question is clearly too much for you,” I added as I shifted over to get hold of his hand on the good arm. This time I considered a different approach. He tried to fight me a little harder, screwing up his hand into a fist, but I was still stronger and in much better shape. There wasn't a lot I could do with one hand, but I knew I had to ramp up the pain.
I didn't like doing this sort of thing. I'd rather have bribed Butch, but I knew that even beginning down that route would seem like weakness and undo the option I'd already started with. I couldn't offer him a bribe and I didn't think he'd take it, even if I did.
As I sat with his hand restrained I worked one finger out of his fist and grabbed some pliers from a small pouch. Very carefully I got hold of one of his nails.
“If you won't tell me who you're meeting for the relic, why don't you tell me what relic you're going after?” I smiled as I spoke, but Butch wasn't even looking at me. He'd turned his head away and I understood what the resolve was for.
He knew what I was about to do and still he didn't plan to talk.
“Ludis must have promised you a lot to inspire this level of loyalty, but it's not going to save you and it isn't going to save him.” As I finished speaking I pulled his nail off in one yank.
I didn't let go of his hand, but it took all my strength to hold onto it for a moment. Butch finally did make a louder noise, but he eventually gritted his teeth and continued to look at the floor off to one side.
Pausing, I took my time. A removed fingernail was actually more painful and difficult to endure after it had time to register the shock and for the throbbing to begin. This would be most effective if I took my time.
With everything else I had already done to him, I was surprised he was holding up so well, but he was proving to be tough to convince. After a while I knew that this plan wasn't working either. He was practically crying as I finished off the hand I was holding and he still didn't say anything.
“This would be really easy and could all stop if you just tell me what I want to know. I am going to keep going otherwise. We've barely begun on the level of damage I can cause you and the pain I can make you feel.”
Butch closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. I wasn't getting through to him. On some level I was disgusted with what I had already done to him, knowing this was no way for one vampire to treat another, but I also knew that Ludis would do worse to the Brethren if he had a chance.
This was distasteful, but it was better than the alternative.
With it not appearing to work I knew I needed to rethink my plans. This couldn't last much longer if I was going to get back to Anais and make sure she was okay.
Needing to get away from Butch for a moment and to also see if he caved with the anticipation of more to come, I made my way out of the room and back to the living room area. There I poured myself a whiskey and leaned against the sideboard to consider my options. I needed to figure this out.
I was missing important information and so far only Butch or Ludis could give it to me.
Chapter 24