Page 56 of Lured

I tried not to show fear again, focusing on that as Ludis pulled me back over to the seats as far from the door and out of the way as possible. There was no way I wanted to go in that direction with him, but I got the impression that I didn't have much choice.

“Sit down and let's have a little chat, shall we?” Ludis said as he pushed me down. I frowned, acting as if I didn't fully understand.

No matter how much Ludis seemed to know exactly what was going on with me and Leo, I wasn't going to confirm it in any way. I was unsure of what this vampire intended to do if he decided that I was a hunter. At least sitting down beside him, I had a chance to block attacks or anything else like that.

I gave him my attention, understanding that this was serious, but still not admitting to anything.

“Out with it hunter. Who is paying you and who is your target.”

I exhaled and looked down for a moment to school my expression. “I'm sorry, Ludis, but I really don't understand what you're talking about.”

Ludis slammed his fist down on the sofa beside me, close enough that I flinched. The muscle memory wasn't there well enough for me to have blocked it and I was glad I didn't react in any other way than fear right now.

“Don't lie to me,” Ludis added.

I bit my lip and tried to look as if I was telling the truth. Maybe if I focused on the bits that were true, it would help. “I'm Drew's enthralled. I have been doing as he's told me to do since I got on this cruise ship. I don't know where we are going or what the plan is. All I know is what you and he have told me.”

Ludis let out a growl and rushed toward me. I squealed and flinched again, almost curling up to protect myself.

To my surprise, it earned me a laugh. “Have I scared you, butterfly?” he asked.

I didn't know what to say, but I sort of half nodded. Ludis shook his head and studied me. I kept half curled up, but tried to look around.

None of the other vampires and enthralled were paying us any attention or mind. It was as if they knew to keep out of it and leave whatever this was to Ludis.

As he studied me, but didn't do anything, I slowly uncurled and straightened again.

“Now, I'm going to ask you again, and I want you to think about your answer. Who is paying you to kill me?”

“No one,” I replied. “No one is paying me. I've not been hired. I just worked in Vegas. I need Drew. You're scaring me and I would just like to go back to the room now and rest or something.”

“No,” Ludis said as he shook his head in an exaggerated way. “He's not Drew and you're not going anywhere.”

“I don't understand. How can he not be Drew?” I frowned and this time I focused on my fear. I wanted him to think I was genuinely scared and not okay with this. If he thought Leo was lying but I was telling the truth then I stood a chance of taking him by surprise and getting to kill him or at the least keeping myself alive.

“Your vampire owner is a true-blood and I'm sure you knew.”

I looked down, still frowning, shaking and hoping that there was a way out of this. Could I kill Ludis? What would happen if we fought here?

“What do you know about his plans?”

“Nothing. He tells me nothing. He's all... dark and mysterious and he doesn't want to trust anyone,” I replied, not having to fake how defeated I sounded this time.

Ludis began pacing in front of me, shaking his head. “He's been trying to make a fool of me, trying to make me think he was an ally when all this time he has been spying on me. I'm going to make him pay for that. We have so much more going on than even he understands. Your little hunter academy and the brethren can't stop us. None of them can.”

I watched him go back and forth, growing more agitated, but also giving me a little more space to begin to figure out what I was going to do. This situation could easily go the wrong way, but I didn't know if I could kill Ludis. Not here, not like this.

There was also the promise I had made to Leo. For a while I had been sure that when the time came, he would be there for me, but now I wasn't so sure. He had run off and left me vulnerable.

Until I had a better idea of what was going on, or could get a chance to either flee or complete my mission, I needed to stall.

“I don't understand,” I said, hoping to at least get him talking in some way and keep him doing so.

“What part?” Ludis said, turning on me.

“Any of it,” I shrugged. “I thought Drew was Drew and this was just some fun adventure. I thought I was going to have an easy life for the first time ever and I wouldn't have to worry about money and bills, or...” I shook my head and looked up at Ludis with wide eyes.

He paused and studied me again. This was clearly making him cautious and hesitant to kill me. That alone was enough for now. It gave Leo time to deal with Butch and then come back for me.