Page 5 of Lured

It was clear he wanted my back up and for me to remind everyone, but I remained silent as if I hadn't noticed the subtle body language. I might answer to him right now, but only because the vampire we both served had asked me to. And Ludis knew that part, at least.

“We serve you, boss,” the wide-eyed young kindred replied.

“Exactly and I take care of all of you. This will give us that edge we need. And the plan is almost entirely foolproof.”

I'd heard those words before. It wasn't foolproof. But I knew what this idea was. There was no persuading Ludis he was wrong. And that was worrying. Taking on the true-blood was particularly foolish.

But what did I do about it?

If I went to our don it could be taken the wrong way. And Ludis would know it was me. If I didn't, however it could go even worse. I could even be implicated in it and I knew I didn't want that. I hadn't spent this long avoiding trouble to get caught up in it because of some jumped up lower generation, turned vampire who had far more ambition than sense.

It made me wonder why the boss had ever assigned me to him, but there was only one good explanation. He knew Ludis might try something like this and wanted me to report it. Or worse, try to stop it.

While Ludis droned on about his plan, being even more ridiculous, I tried to think through how to handle this. I was going to need to tell the boss, but I couldn't leave the table yet, or the room.

I was beginning to get both bored and angry an hour later when another vampire strode in. It was one that Ludis had created. Someone yet another generation below them and weaker, but they had been a stronger human. A muscle man of sorts before they had been turned. They did a lot of Ludis's dirty work for him and didn't ask questions. All brawn and now brain.

Of course, we didn't get along.

Trying not to look too interested, I watched them out of the side of my eyes as I stared in the direction of the enthralled. Let everyone think I was eyeing up the meat when I was truly paying attention to everything and everyone. It was a tactic that had served me well on so many occasions.

“Boss, there was some trouble with the party for tomorrow,” the brawn said, his voice full of gravel and a tough guy act that made me want to vomit.

Ludis scowled as several of the other vampires at the table looked over.

“I told you not to mention the party,” Ludis said, his anger clear.

I fought back a smirk, wondering who it had been a surprise for. A quick look at the enthralled made it clear. She was the recipient. Probably something sickeningly sweet like her birthday. I didn't know what the vampire world saw in keeping humans around like pets. It degraded them and it degraded us.

“Sorry, boss. I just couldn't get the flamingos you-”

Ludis got to his feet, grabbing the brawn's arm as he did. The pair of them strode from the room as the enthralled clapped in delight, left behind momentarily.

Had she been a normal human in a normal vampire coven or mafia clan, Ludis leaving would have left her open to be devoured by the next senior vampire, or the next, given the first would have been me and she was definitely not my type. This wasn't a normal human, however. She was an enthralled and belonged to Ludis. And that meant we all had to protect her for him.

I rolled my eyes as I walked from the room as well. At least I could also leave now.

Chapter 2


Exhaling, I knocked on the door to Laura's house. I knew she was likely to still be pissed off at me, but I had to try. I wanted her to know that I was sorry, but I also had a high paying job and I was going to need at least one person as backup, preferably several. It was well enough paying that I knew even with the whole group we'd all make a decent pay day.

At least, this is what I kept telling myself. I had no idea if that's what they would think or not. I just knew I had to try it. Had to hope that they could forgive me and trust me again.

Laura took a while to come to the door and I considered knocking again, but instead I waited until she opened it. The moment she spotted it, her jaw set and she narrowed the opening again.

“I've got a job,” I said before she could shut the door in my face. “A well paying one.”

Laura paused, looking as if she still might shut the door on me anyway. After all, I deserved it.

“What makes you think I want to work with you again? I spent an hour last night having to be interviewed for the database to make sure I'd never empathized with the enemy before. You've got a lot of balls coming here to try and get me to work with you again.

“It's six months rent and expenses,” I added.

Immediately her eyes went wide and she relaxed a little. It was all the opening I needed.

I quickly gave her all the other details I dared while standing on a street, even if it was after dark. I could see the interest in her eyes. She was considering helping me and it was a relief. So far this conversation hadn't gone exactly as well as I'd hoped, but it was going better than I feared. I was actually being listened to and that was something awesome.