Page 4 of Lured

Tabbing to the private messages section of the system I pulled up my handler in the guild. They were the person I reported to when a job was done. The person who made sure my kit was up to scratch and the person who had ripped me a new one when I'd screwed up.

I knew I needed to get them to give me another chance if I was going to get anywhere and I wasn't above begging. After all, I was eating the last food in the house of an old friend who had no idea what I did because since my mistake I'd not earned a cent.

And I hadn't been wealthy to begin with.

By the time I'd finished the toast and managed to wash the last of the dry mess down with water from a glass I couldn't be sure was clean, I had a reply.

There's a lot of pressure on me to drop you, but I know you don't usually make mistakes and you've shown a lot of promise for someone so young. I've got one job I've not put out yet, but I don't think you're going to like it. And I won't lie, it's dangerous. But if you pulled it off it would get you back in the good graces here.

I read the message and felt a thrill of both fear and delight run through me before I tapped out three short words.

I'll take it.

It didn't matter what it was. I couldn't afford to be picky. Couldn't afford to turn it down. With any luck the danger would be something I could handle. And if not... my problems would be solved in another way.

I was just picking up my away bag and telling Emma I'd be back after work for the rest of my belongings when the document with the job info came through. I could have sworn. They wanted someone to infiltrate one of the city's biggest vampire events and take out a minor vampire Lord. This wasn't a normal job for a hunter like me.

But then my eyes fixed on the reward money. It was enough to keep me fed and housed for an entire half year. I was going to have to do it. And I didn't have time to feel any fear or hesitation.



Fighting back a growl of anger, I watched as the kindred in front of me joked and jostled over the scantily clad piece of meat they'd cornered. It was one of the local hookers. A new one. And she'd not see the light of day.

A part of me wanted to give in to the desire and hunger her scent caused, but I wasn't an animal. Not like some of these younger, turned ones. Admittedly, I wasn't meant to appear as controlled as I was, my years and time as a true-blood vampire something I hid from almost everyone. I was supposed to be one of the turned, not one of the original race.

But this particular prey wasn't even slightly tempting. Turning my back on her whimpering cries and pleads for mercy I made my way to the front of the club room, intending to get some air.

Before I could, our little boss came in, all swagger and bravado, his bare muscular chest on display and a strange fur-lined waistcoat adorning the rest. It was a strange ensemble even for Vegas, but on him it was even more ludicrous. Despite how we were portrayed in fiction, becoming a vampire didn't automatically give you better taste in fashion or sex appeal.

That didn't stop Ludis. He beamed, another woman on his arm. This one an enthralled. A human woman who knew of our nature and traded her blood for the high she could be given while devoured. It worked for more people than you'd think.

The woman was wearing the trashiest short skirt made of some cheap fake leather that shone in the club light. I looked away, aware that I couldn't leave the room when the vampire I currently answered to had only just walked in. Not only would it be considered rude, I wouldn't know what insanely stupid idea he was considering next.

Instead, I sat myself back down out of the way, trying to decide if I wanted to order something to eat, or just drink. Vampires didn't need to eat to stay alive, but just like when we were alive, we could enjoy food. And anything else humans enjoyed.

I watched as Ludis and his enthralled sat themselves at the large central table and he lifted his hand to summon a waiter. After ordering far more food than even we could eat on a good day and laughing off the bill, he settled down a bit.

“Drew, come over here, brother. I know you'll want to hear this,” Ludis said, looking right at me where I sat.

I tried not to react and instead picked up my drink and moved closer. There was no way I was going to sit at the table with everyone else, but Ludis knew enough about me to not expect that much of me at least. Ludis thought I was a turned vampire called Andrew who had been added to the mafia clan and given a place with him.

Before everyone else was even sitting down he started laying out some epic plan for getting more of the true vampire brethren to take him, and in his mind, therefore us, seriously. I was only half listening until Ludis mentioned the brethren meeting happening in only three days.

“They'll never know what hit them if we can get it past the guards. And I know four of them this year. If we time it right...” Ludis made a chopping motion with his hand.

“You want to take out one of the true bloods?” one of the other underlings asked, a vampire who'd only been turned for a year or so. His eyes were wide and he'd uttered a question that I knew all of us were thinking.

“We all know that the only way to get stronger is to consume the blood of the older generations. They hide and keep themselves away. We don't have to kill one, just all take a mouthful or two. With all of us a good amount stronger then we can be an even more amazing team.”

I tried to think of something to say. If we attacked a true blood, and somehow weren't killed trying, then not ending their life would guarantee a death sentence. But this wasn't what bothered me most. Ludis wouldn't share something like that with the entire group of vampires present. We didn't take a little and pass around. There wouldn’t be sharing.

Feeding took control. Feeding on a pure blood and not becoming lost in the blood frenzy would be near impossible for anyone who hadn't tasted something similar in the past. Of course, if they knew how old my blood was...

Thankfully there was a lack of enthusiasm among the other vampires and I could remain on the edge of the group, not expressing my opinion. Each of them objected in turn, but Ludis wasn't in the mood to listen.

“Look. Who do you all answer to?” he asked, his eyes flicking to me for a brief moment.