Sierra sat back, her mouth formed a startled O, and all I could think about was sipping on those sweet lips of hers. If I was uncomfortable before from my constant hard-on, the discomfort doubled with the tempting female across from me.
“You mentioned a binding ceremony. What exactly will it do that our being ‘fated mates’ hasn’t already ensured?”
“And that’s the $64,000 question. What it keeps us from doing is the one thing our mate bond is compelling us to do…mate. So I can plant my seed within your womb. So I can share my immortality with you.” The pain behind my zipper intensified and if we didn’t leave soon, I’m not sure I was going to be able to walk upright from the restaurant.
“Mac, you’re telling me that the reason you pulled back from having sex with me is because of some ceremony. I mean, that’s so mid-last century.”
“Exactly. And I’m done playing by the rules. But I need you to know this. Once we have sex, there’s no going back to your old life. It will mean you’re all in with me, the prophecy, having children, possibly using your magic if you choose to. So, what do you say, mate?” I began to sweat as she contemplated my question.
And that’s when it hit me. Hell, I’ll gladly take whatever punishment The Fates decree by forgoing the binding ceremony and finally burying myself in her wet pussy, planting my seed in her womb and spending the next millennia making up for the time I’d existed without her.
And when she smiled at me, my heart soared. To say I was head over heels in love with her in that moment would have been an understatement.
“I say yes,” Sierra spoke softly. I felt her acceptance through our growing link that would soon be fully completed once we became one and we’d be able to communicate telepathically.
She didn’t have to tell me twice. Decision made, screw the rules. Tossing bills on the table, I wasn’t sticking around for the check. I grabbed Sierra’s hand and led her back to the car as fast as I could.
The drive back to the hotel seemed to take forever. It was giving me too much time to second-guess myself. But accepting my place in a millennia-old prophecy crafted by beings regulated to mythology felt right even if a bit mind-blowing.
I also began to worry about the magic I continued to feel building within me. Was it truly black magic I possessed? Or was it something so unique that neither my coven nor I had ever been aware a witch could hold? I needed to talk to another witch. I needed to meet Britt and the other mates and figure it out before I decided if I would use my power again.
My head, heart, and body were in an uproar at the moment, but I don’t think it was because I said yes. The more I sat with it, and no matter how crazy any of what he’d told me sounded, I could no longer imagine my life without Mac in it. A knowing peace settled over me, and I smiled.
Binding myself to a determined, growly grizzly shifter where I’m guaranteed to receive a lifetime of chocolate Pop-Tarts plus an endless supply of orgasms, and all I have to do is accept himand his monster cock into my body? How could I possibly say no?
Secretly, I’d yearned to find happiness and love. Was what I felt for Mac love? It was certainly lust. But how could it not be? Haven’t I often thought that I’d know instantly when the right man came along? So, falling in love so quickly should come as no surprise either.
I turned my thoughts and my gaze to the landscape. The ever-present twilight of Iceland during this time of year was like a magical blanket everywhere I looked. The aurora borealis providing a spectacular light show. Mac held my hand as he drove, but I kept my gaze off him, afraid if I looked, I’d jump him and cause an accident. I wanted, needed, both of us in one piece for what I had in mind.
Squinting at a large object above us, and not quite believing what I saw, I pointed at the windshield. “Um, not to sound too dramatic, but there’s an effing dragon headed our way.” Unbelievably, in the sky was a dragon riding an air current several hundred yards in front of the rental car. I gulped in air while attempting, and not succeeding, to not lose my shit. Because if there ever was a time to crack, this was it.
Mac let loose a streak of Gaelic that I somehow knew were not words of fear. My shifter was pissed off and his inner grizzly made itself known as well with a string of growls. Would he be able to keep from shifting until he got out of the car?
“Should we take cover or…”
“No, it’s cockblocker number one. He seems to think we need a chaperone. He’s mistaken. Stay here. I’ll handle this.” Mac pulled the car to the side of the road. “I need you to stay here. No matter what happens, don’t leave this car. Lock the doors.”
And he was gone, and I was left with my mouth hanging open, watching helplessly as Mac strode across the road and met the dragon in the field where it had landed.Chaperone?
Oh, hell no. He had another thing coming if he thought I was going to sit still while he… I mean, sure, he was a grizzly shifter, but even he wouldn’t be able to battle a fucking dragon with talons bigger than his head.
My entire body began to vibrate. Much like what I’d experienced years ago, the uncontrollable power began to grow within me. Unlike any other witch I’d known, or any in the history of my coven, I didn’t have to use a spell, a talisman, or a potion to draw on my magic.
Lucky me, my magic had always percolated when I was a teenager, waiting for it to be called. Or, as I quickly found out, easily tapped into when I was highly stressed. I wish I could say that I had learned some control over it before I left my coven, but it had taken almost a year to finally achieve the safe boring life where I’d wouldn’t be triggered by anything remotely upsetting or exciting.
Would I be able to draw on it now after so many years of keeping it locked away?
I burst from the car before I had a plan in place other than I needed to help Mac and wound the dragon enough that my shifter mate wouldn’t become its next meal.
Mac stood in front of the beast, his legs wide with his hands on his hips. He didn’t seem to be speaking at all. I made it to his side only to see that Mac’s head was tipped back, eyes closed, and he seemed to be in a trance.Shit.Raising my hands, I pushed the building energy within me toward the dragon who simply stared at me with a grin. Dragons could smile. Who knew?
Seconds before the blast hit the beast and exploded in a spectacular green-hued glow, the dragon’s eyes narrowed. Then I heard Mac’s voice in my head shout, “Sierra, no!”