Mac grabbed me around the waist and pushed my arms down to my sides. “Fuck me. I didn’t think. Are you okay?”

What didn’t he think? That I wouldn’t protect him the way he’s done with me since the moment he rescued me? Well, this relationship was going to be equal, whether he liked it or not. I’m not going to just sit by and wait for permission to use my magic and pop out babies or whatever his expectations were. Not that we discussed it yet or anything and oh my god, I was losing it. The hysteria from what I’d just done latched onto me and I let it drag me to my knees.

“Tell me you’re okay, love.” Mac’s face was full of concern and here I was having a fake argument in my head over something he hadn’t even said.

Nodding, I gulped for more air. “Are you?”

Relief washed over his features, then he looked back at the dragon. “Stay here. I mean it, Sierra. This time, stay put.” He paused, then added, “Please.”

“Well, since you said please.” I sank down onto my butt and hugged my knees, staring after him as he sprinted to the unmoving monster.

But it was no longer a monster. The dragon was now a man. A naked man who had sat up and was rubbing his chest and shouting at Mac. And Mac was laughing. Was he crazy or had I just zapped another shifter?

The next thing I knew, Mac shrugged out of his jacket and held it out just in time to cover the front of the naked man as he stood. Wrapping the arms of the jacket around his waist, they began walking toward me.

The men were similar in height and build, but unlike Mac’s full beard and wavy locks, this man had straight silver hair that hung to his shoulders. The closer they came, the sicker I felt. He didn’t seem to be injured too badly, but there was a large dark bruise in the center of his chest.

“Sierra, this idiot is my brother, Quinn.” He turned to his brother and said, “Quinn, apologize to Sierra for scaring her to the point she blasted you on your arse.”

The men stared at each other. Mac crossed his arms and Quinn let out a string of words that sounded like the same Gaelic language.

“Maybe if you had answered our calls, I wouldn’t have had to track your ass all the way to godforsaken Iceland.” Quinn turned to me and said, “Nice to meet you, Sierra. No harm, no foul, okay? I also need to apologize for my much younger brother and his negligence in not informing you that I’m a dragon shifter. That’s a hell of a blast you’ve got there. Britt is going to flip when she hears this.”

Mac placed an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. I absorbed his body heat and almost immediately my shivering stopped. “I am sorry I didn’t warn you, love. I just wanted to convince this idiot to be on his way so we could get back to the hotel.”

By the time we made it to the car, some form of unspoken communication seemed to have taken place between the two. Before I could ask Quinn if he wanted to sit up front, he and Mac were patting each other on the back, then Quinn walked backward and shifted into his dragon form.

“Wait, he’s leaving?” Craning my neck, I watched Quinn, er, the dragon’s green scales as they glowed from the light of the moon. His leather-webbed wings pumped hard, creating a stiff breeze until he, the dragon, disappeared from view.

“I assured him the demons haven’t been an issue since we encountered them at the portal and we’re perfectly capable of making it home ourselves. I was hoping your first introduction to my family wouldn’t have been so dramatic, but I guess we’re not what you would call a normal family…hey, what’s wrong?”

I never was good at masking my feelings and I wasn’t sure how I felt. He obviously picked up on the change in my posture and expression. I was still on an adrenaline rush from using my magic for the first time in years, and now Mac says we could have been home two days ago. Was I mad? Yeah, a little bit. But I also wouldn’t give back the time we’ve spent together for anything.

“I’m, uh, just processing everything that just happened. Could we maybe wait and talk when we get back to the hotel?”

“Sure. Of course. You’ve been through a lot.” Mac opened the passenger door and helped me into the car, buckled me in then kissed me on the forehead for good measure.

I spent the rest of the ride back sorting through my feelings. After everything that’s happened between us, and tonight’s events, was I strong enough to once again bury my magic? I had a sinking feeling the next time I unleashed it, the person I wanted to hurt wouldn’t be an immortal who could withstand the damage, and the outcome would be much worse.




Sierra was quiet, too quiet. She excused herself to use the bathroom as soon as we arrived back at the suite. My grizzly was unusually calm, as if he sensed something I wasn’t privy to. I, on the other hand, paced until I could no longer stand her absence. Heading to the bathroom door, I’d bang on it until she came out.

With my hand raised, the door suddenly opened, and she came out wrapped in a robe.

“What did you mean, ‘The demons left soon after we did.’ Does that mean you could have taken me home later that same day we left the cave?”

Crap. Is that what I said?I tried to remember my exact words to my brother.

Her steady gaze held mine, and for a moment, I panicked. But then it hit me that if she were truly upset, would she be standing in front of me calmly, wearing nothing but a cotton robe?

“Yes. And before you tear me a new one, I’d like to explain.” My communication skills could really use some improvement.

“I’m not sure I need an explanation. I’m just looking for the truth and you answered honestly.” She skirted around me and sat on the bed, then picked up the bottle of lotion and began lathering her legs.