Did drinking their blood have the power to…
Turn me into one of them?
Chapter 26
Perfect Little Treasure
Iwas getting used to waking up and not knowing where I was. When was the last time I had even slept in my own bed? I couldn’t remember. No, all I could remember was every touch, every taste, and every feeling the brothers had bestowed on me last night.
All of which I hadn’t just welcomed.
I had craved.
And, shamefully, even in my panicked state of mind shortly after, because as soon as they continued their care, I had been putty in their hands. I hadn’t been able to say a word as they took their time washing my body and my hair, each of them taking a piece of me like I was some little sex doll they were happy to share and play with together.
Although, the only thing they didn’t do, was have sex with me. In fact, as far as I was aware, neither of them found the sweet release that they had given me. It was as if the night had been all about me, and they were content to keep it that way. Something that left me flabbergasted because I had never known pleasure could be like that. That it could be so selflessly givento the woman… and without receiving anything in return. But more than that, the fact that they didn’t just seem content, they seemed fucking happy!
My sexual mind had been blown along with a little more of my heart freely given. A dangerous combination, but it couldn’t be helped. Because even after being brought to endless orgasms, they still continued to give me so much more. So much care with their soapy, gentle caresses all over my body. Their adoring words making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. It honestly brought tears to my eyes.
Even after they had carried me out of the shower and wrapped me up in a soft, fluffy towel,one I was tempted to steal, I still kept wondering when I would have to take over. At what point would they set me on my feet and walk away?
But it never happened.
If I didn’t have both their hands on me, I had at least one of them touching me. The only time I got to myself was when they allowed me to go to the toilet, embarrassingly standing just outside waiting for me to finish.
Then they were both back to working together like a well-oiled machine, as if they had been caring for me this way all their lives. Or should I say, all my life because I had no idea how old they truly were. In fact, I think I was scared to find out because, let’s just say, I wasn’t ready to get my mind blown again so soon.
As they continued to work in tandem, I found myself dried by one, and the other was be ready to dress me, this time in Talon’s T-shirt. One that was huge on me, much to the brother’s amusement.
However, any smiles I was giving them thanks to my care died the moment Victor picked me up and walked over to a secret door, hidden in the paneling of his office. One only accessible when Talon placed his hand on an invisible scanner. The door revealed itself after that and Victor carried me through.And still, I didn’t speak, too shocked to say anything until we reached the end of a hallway and the vault door came into view.
That’s when I started to struggle.
“Calm… ssshh, calm for me,” he cooed, and amazingly I did, making me realize that I did because I had no choice. Because there was no way I would not panic at the prospect of being put in there like some family heirloom or money bonds, as if I was now some priceless piece of treasure they were about to add to their collection. But Victor had told me to calm, and I was powerless to disobey.
They were controlling me.
They had to be. There was no other explanation for it.
As we entered, I had been expecting a room full of treasures or lock boxes like in some bank vault, but I was quickly proven wrong. Instead, it was a bedroom, making me wonder if it wasn’t some kind of safe room? The insane security would suggest as much because half of the stuff they did on the control panel to open it I didn’t see.
Then once inside, my mind was reeling, spinning through all the things that had happened and what they were doing. The room looked as though it had been turned into a pretty little cage for their new pet, unless it had always looked this way. The big black metal bed in the center looked big enough for ten people and stood like the focal point in the room. Blood red sheets made it look like the set for a horror snuff movie, making me question if that was what they had scheduled next? Some ritualistic plan to drink me dry?
“Time for sleep, little love,” Victor had said tenderly, as if he could feel my internal panic and he was trying to ease my mind and fears. The endearment wasn’t lost on me, and I clung to it in order to get me through this.
“Please, you don’t have to put me in here, I won’t run,” I had told them, pleading and hoping that the silent look they gave each other meant I would get my way.
Victor put me down on the bed and gripped me by the shoulders to turn me so I was now facing his brother. Then he astonished me further as he started brushing my hair, his movements gentle and precise. After this he told me,
“It won’t be for long, just one night until we can take you somewhere else.”
“That’s right, little Peach, don’t fear for we will be keeping a good eye on you,” Talon said, nodding to the corner of the room where I could see a security camara mounted.
“But I don’t want…” I tried to speak once Victor had finished with my damp hair.
“Ssshh now, it is time to sleep. Sleep without restraints so we are assured you won’t hurt yourself or try to run away again,” Victor answered me, stroking back my hair before granting me a kiss on my forehead. Talon did the same before lying me down in the bed and tucking me in, ordering me,
“Sleep, Nessa…sleep, our perfect little treasure.”