Page 71 of Blood Bonds

And I did.

All because he had commanded it.

But as for now? Well now I was wide awake, and clarity finally started to sink back in once more. Even after last night, they were still classing me as their prisoner, making me question what type of relationship this would be, if any relationship at all. A question that quickly prompted the painful truth, one that hit me as I finally admitted to myself why I was so terrified.

I had fallen in love with them.

As crazy as it was, it could no longer be denied.

But if any kind of future was going to happen, I first needed to make them see that they couldn’t keep locking me away like the pet they claimed me to be. Well, at least they wanted to keepme fed and watered because I found a basket of fruit and a bottle of water on a side table. Christ, I was just surprised there wasn’t a chamber pot in here for me to piss in!

I sat up, pushing my hair out of my face, the memory of Victor washing it last night still fresh in my mind. The waves were crazy around my head, thanks to sleeping on it while damp. I then looked down at the T-shirt Talon had put me in, unable to help lifting it to my nose and breathing in deep. I nearly wept at the scent of him, knowing yet again my only option right now was to run once more. Because no matter how hard I had fallen, I could not let them do this to me without me getting some answers first. And I did not think I could get these answers here.

So, I stood and looked at the impenetrable door. One they most likely believed as being the only place strong enough to keep me locked inside. Little did they know of my powers.

A smug sense of knowing fell over me like a shroud of confidence in my abilities, and this time when I made my demands, I did so with a strength in my voice that hadn’t been there before.

“Cut the camara and open the door.” Both of which happened. The red light went out and the sound of hefty locks all shifting echoed. I hadn’t even needed to say ‘I wish’. Because there was no more wishing. There was only control. The control I was determined to take back, Vampire lovers be damned.

It was time to put them to the test.

My love for them fueled the prayers I made in hoping they would pass. I pushed the vault door open and entered the dark hallway, commanding,


They came on instantly so I could see where I was going. I was soon back in their office, wincing when I saw the rug I had vomited over was missing. I felt so sorry for the poor soul that had been ordered to deal with that. The sentiment didn’t lastlong because I rushed into the bathroom to find my outfit still on the floor, lying there as if I had simply disappeared, leaving this as the only evidence of my ever being here. It was a stark reminder that last night had actually happened.

Well, soon there would be a reminder of a different kind. I stripped out of Talon’s T-shirt and replaced it with my dress, dropping it to the floor. I quickly changed, knowing I would have no choice but go out looking as I had done last night. The only piece of myself I left was the black lace rose I placed on their desk.

Like some kind of goodbye kiss.

But would it end up being the forever kind?

I shook these painful thoughts from my mind as I grabbed my purse, thankful to find it still on the sofa after last night. Then I looked at the door I already knew would be locked. Just another barrier that the brothers likely hoped would keep me sealed behind.

“Open,” I demanded, my voice strangely steady and in control. Then I stepped out into the hallway I had tried to escape down last night, knowing nothing would stand in my way this time. Not when I commanded this door to open like all the rest.

“Let no one stop me as I leave,” I said, pulling the door open and finding the space behind it empty. The once vibrant club looked cold and abandoned. Just an empty room that had held nothing but secret promises for so many hopefuls. Well, I was leaving mine behind as I unlocked each door until the busy street met me. Bright, blinding sunshine was something I wished I could have shied away from. Especially as people stared at me, like this was the ultimate walk of shame.

If only they knew.

I looked up at the sky and asked aloud,

“Now what?” But that was when a cab stopped next to me and the driver asked,

“Did you need a ride?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, asking myself if my power of luck would really extend that far. So, I walked closer and told him,

“Yeah, I need to get to 97 Allen Street and I need it to be a free ride.”

His eyes glazed over and he looked straight ahead, telling me in a weird zombie like state as he repeated,

“Allen street. Free ride.”

I shrugged my shoulders and got inside, hopeful it worked. Needless to say that when it did…

I cursed myself for not trying this sooner.

The moment I got back to my apartment, I already had a plan in place as to what I needed to do next. It was clear that after last night the fortune teller had something to do with all of this. It had all started that night after she had touched me, then she had set me up, purposely sending me to the wolves last night.