“If I were twelve this shit would be illegal,” I fire back.
“Christ” is his response.
A knock at the door shuts us up and sends Tess scrambling off my lap. She reaches for her discarded law journal and fumbles through the pages while Declan resumes his DA pose. The annoyance eases from his face, replaced by the neutral demeanor of a consummate professional. I chuckle, seeing as I know better.
Miles Fenske’s voice booms from the other side of the door. “Declan? May I come in? There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
Declan sits straighter and clasps his hands in front of him. “Of course, Miles, please enter.”
Miles strolls in first…followed by the hearing-impaired lady from the bistro Declan had crashed and burned with. Both she and Declan go stone still. But where the woman’s skin heats, and her scowl fixes on my brother, Declan’s face turns the color of ash.
Miles’s patient smile fades as his attention drifts between Declan and his companion. “Ah, this is my daughter, Melissa. She’s taking over as director of the Victim Services Unit.”
It’s then I completely crack up, whipping around to face Declan. “Oh,shit.This just gets better and better.”
The color in Declan’s face returns with a vengeance, his warning glare to shut the hell up trained my way. Being who I am, I continue to laugh. Tess glances between Melissa and Declan, her obvious confusion matching the puzzled look etched into Miles’s face. “I take it you’ve met?” Miles asks.
Declan, the Wizard of Words, the Count of Couth, doesn’t have shit to say. Melissa? She says a lot, but says it with her hands, signing furiously.This is the man you wanted me to meet? The one you’re so fond of—the one you want for your replacement?
Miles signs back, attempting to keep the conversation private. But I can understand sign language well enough.Yes,Miles says in his motions.Why are you so angry?
Because he’s an asshole,she signs back.
My laugh draws their attention, both of them frowning at me. I smirk and sign back,He’s not so bad. His heart is good, even when his mouth is saying otherwise.
My motions are crude, seeing how I don’t practice the language much, but they seem to understand. Melissa cocks her head. I have her attention now.You understand American Sign Language?she asks.
Of course. I’m not just good looks and personality.
The tension lifts at Miles’s smile, and Melissa’s, too. He places his hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to turn so she can read his lips. “This is Declan’s brother, Curran. He’s a police officer like your grandfather.” He looks past her to me. “Melissa damaged her hearing devices and is in need of replacements. Being as busy as she is, she keeps postponing her evaluation with her audiologist.”
Melissa keeps her focus on me, choosing to sign instead of speak. I have the feeling she’s more comfortable communicating this way, but I also think she’s trying to get a handle on me.How long have you wanted to be a police officer?
Since forever,I respond.
She knits her brows, moving her hands fast.Then why not learn Spanish, since it would be more helpful in your line of work?
I already knew Spanish.I pause, trying to remember the word for “Cuban,” but end up subbing it with words I do know.I grew up in a neighborhood mixed with Spanish-speaking families. I learned a lot through them, enough to be fluent, so when I had to pick a language in college, I picked American Sign Language. I liked it enough to keep at it.I pause again.Plus, all the hot girls took American Sign Language. It helped me get dates.
Miles and Melissa laugh out loud.Dates or laid?Melissa questions.
I chuckle. She’s not shy around her old man, and her question doesn’t seem to surprise him.Maybe a little of both,I admit.
They laugh again. They like me. Declan…not so much.
“What did you just say?” he asks through clenched teeth.
I lower my hands and grin. “We’re just talking about what an asshole you are.”
Miles surprises me by laughing. “My apologies, Declan,” he says, trying to placate Declan’s growing resentment. “I assure you, your brother was quick to come to your defense. Melissa and I were simply surprised to find him so fluent in American Sign Language.” He gestures to his daughter. “It seems she’s quite taken by his charm.”
Declan squares his jaw. “I can see that. He’s a real pip, isn’t he?”
He means “prick,” but I’ll take the compliment. Melissa keeps her smile, and her attention, on me. It’s then Tess who steps forward and offers Melissa her hand, luring her attention, and smiling in a way that tells me she’s more than a little pissed at my charm.
“Hi, I’m Tess Newart. The law clerk assigned to help Declan.”
Melissa shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you. Please, call me Melissa.”