I watch her for a beat. “So do I. And because I said it, it comes with something—a promise. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, physically or otherwise. Don’t care who he is, even if he’s your blood. So if you want to stay, then stay. I’m not going to strong-arm you because then you’re only subbing one asshole for another.” I sit us up then. “The minute you want out, you’re out. No questions asked. But I won’t hide in a closet if he shows up, or pretend like we’re not together. I owe you the right to choose to be here, but you owe me the same respect back as your man.”
“I know,” she says, letting her hands slide along my shoulders. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like you’re less to me than who you are. It wasn’t my intention. It was just survival.”
“I get it,” I tell her, and I do. That doesn’t mean it didn’t piss me off.
After a long while, Tess’s eyes travel to the alarm clock, only to widen. “Oh, shit,” she says again. She slips out of bed, nabbing my wrist in the process. “I need to get going. Will you help me get a shower?”
My lazy grin is answer enough. Oh, yeah, I’m definitely rubbing off on her in all the right ways.
Chapter 25
For all she says she’s not ready to move in with me, there’s not a night that goes by in the weeks that follow that Tess and I don’t spend together. That doesn’t mean I haven’t missed her lately. Both of us have been ready for her to finish law school, but I had no clue what it would take for her to graduate. Last week, I gave her space to study for her finals. This week, she finally took them. But between her exam schedule and all the shit she’s had to do on the Montenegro case, I’ve barely seen her.
“You know what I think?” I ask Declan. I pull Tess onto my lap, fast enough to make her squeak and drop the law journal she’s holding on the floor.
Declan raises his chin, taking us in. “That you should behave professionally and not fondle my intern during business hours?”
Tess buries her face in her hands. “Nah. That’s not it. Besides, it’s well after six.” My hand cups her knee. Man, she’s smokin’ in that pencil skirt and silk shirt. And don’t get me started on her legs in those high heels. I gave her a shopping spree for her birthday a few weeks back, but I didn’t know it would benefit us both. My fingers skim her hip as I wonder if she has another one of those lacy thongs on. “I’m thinking you should give her the rest of the night off,” I say to Declan, so I can take her home and maybe find out what’s beneath her skirt.
Declan returns to scribbling on his pad. “That sounds like a great idea. In fact, take her on a getaway—make a long weekend out of it. My big case—you know the one I’ve been working on for months—it doesn’t start on Monday or anything.”
“Declan, come on. You’re ready—I know you are.”
“That’s not the point, Curran.” He tosses his pen aside. “Montenegro and his team are ready, too. If something comes up, I may need her help.”
“Then call her at my place. We’ll both head back here, to your apartment, or wherever you want us.” I mean to sound relaxed, but in truth, I’m worried about my girl. Her finals wore her out, and she’s still waiting on grades for three classes. Yet despite her stress and the demands of finishing law school, she’s helped Declan with all the last-minute legal shit he’s needed.
What bugs me, too, is how quiet she’s been since I arrived. I can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong. At first I thought maybe her chicken-neck father was causing trouble. She denied it in the few seconds I managed to get her alone, but she can’t seem to meet me square in the eye.
“What’s up?” I whisper in her ear.
She shifts uncomfortably in my lap, and keeps her arms crossed in front of her. “Later, okay?” she says quietly, her attention trailing in the direction from which Declan’s eyeing us.
Tess wants me to drop things, but the worry shadowing her beautiful face tells me I shouldn’t. “You know, Deck, the reason you’re prepared is because your sexy intern here has worked her ass off—making up for all the help you could’ve gotten if you’d only asked. She’s tired—she’s had a rough week. Just give her the night off. We’ll be back tomorrow—sooner if you really need us.”
“A lot could change,” he mutters.
“Between now and the time it takes to get back to my place? Come on, weren’t you the same guy who told me yesterday that you were ready to make Montenegro and his entire family your bitches?” I frown when he doesn’t answer. “What’s changed? And why the hell are you pissed?”
Declan considers me for a beat, his face tightening. “We’ve heard that Montenegro will put hits on his attorney’s family if he loses this case,” he answers. “His attorney denies it, but if there’s any truth to it, I’m going to have a lot more to deal with than just this case.”
I hear the unease in his voice, and what goes unsaid. My hold on Tess turns protective. “More reason to put this asshole and his cronies away for life.”
“I know. He thinks he’s untouchable.” His voice hardens. “We’ll see how he feels when I send him to prison to rot.”
The silence grows an edge that matches my brother’s tone. If most DAs are pit bulls, Declan is a damn bull. His horns are out, ready to ram anyone in his path and toss their limp bodies aside.
His eyes cut to Tess. She’s quiet, barely moving. Like me, he senses her exhaustion and maybe something more. “Tess, you can have the rest of the night off. I’ll call if I need you.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, straightening.
For her not to argue rubs me and Deck the wrong way. We exchange glances. Yeah, something’s definitely brewing. Declan nods. “I’m sure. Besides, I think I know where I can find you.”
Her face turns that bright shade of pink I can’t get enough of. I laugh and nibble behind her ear.
Declan rolls his eyes. “Jesus, Curran, what are you, twelve? Get a damn room.”