“I’m sorry, friend. I’m sure he doesn’t think any less of you. Mountain roads in the winter can get super sketchy.”
“True, but it was more than that. I blurted out how hard my life had been and that I just wanted to live my best Monica Geller life.” I laughed at myself for how ridiculous I’d sounded. “Then I hyperventilated the rest of the way.”
“But you still pulled off an amazing presentation, from the sound of it.”
I smiled to myself. “Yeah, I did.” Oddly, and even heartbreakingly, I kept thinking about what my mother would say about winning any court case.Winning a case is about more than presenting the facts. You must connect with everyone in the courtroom on a personal level. And you must believe everything you say. If you don’t believe it, no one else will.That’s what I’d done today. I made Blake believe in Elevate’s product, which I 100 percent believe in, and I connected with her based on my travels and Dad’s extensive career. Talking about my dad’s accomplishments without having to bring up his struggles was such a breath of fresh air. It made me feel normal. I hadn’t felt that way in so long.
“I’m not surprised at all,” Carmen responded.
“Thanks.” I heard the front door open. “Crap,” I whispered, bolting straight up. “I think he’s back. What do I do?”
“I might not be the best person to ask. I’m all about living out those rom-com tropes.”
“That’s so not happening.”
“Then I’m of no help to you. Good luck.” She laughed before hanging up, leaving me to face the man who could still elicit goose bumps and flutters just by holding my hand. I wasn’t proud of this. I wasn’t even sure why he took my hand in the restaurant. CouldCarmen be right? He liked me? Ugh. There I went again, falling for his act.
“Holly?” Brandon knocked on the bedroom door, startling me so much I scrambled off the bed and straightened out my blazer.
“Um, who is it?” I replied like a dolt.
Brandon laughed that deep, masculine laugh he’d perfected. “If it’s not me, I suggest you dial 911.”
I sighed and shuffled over to the door, feeling dumber than ever. I opened it to find a grinning Brandon with a few lingering snowflakes in his hair, holding up a boutique bag.
“What’s this?” I tried not to get taken in by his handsome face. It wasn’t easy, but I was determined.
“Consider it an overnight kit.”
I took the bag, curious about its contents. I opened it to find some pink plaid flannel on top. Unable to help myself, I pulled it out and discovered it was a nightshirt. Let’s just say there wasn’t a lot to it, at least lengthwise. “Uh, it’s kind of short.”
Brandon shrugged innocently, but his eyes danced to a more devious tune. “It was all I could find. There’s a shortage of flannel in Aspen.”
“Uh-huh.” I didn’t buy it for a minute.
“I don’t know what you’re worried about. I’ve seen you in at least a dozen different bikinis. Not to mention bath towels and ... once in your bra and panties.”
“What! When?” I demanded to know.
He held up his hands. “It wasn’t my fault you streaked across the hall from the bathroom to your bedroom at exactly the same moment I was coming out of Christian’s room.”
“You never said anything.”
“I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
“Oh. Well, thanks. I think.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “I hope you still like cinnamon toothpaste and lavender lotion.”
“I do,” I said, flabbergasted he remembered any of that. “Thank you. How muchdo I owe you?”
“Nothing,” he said, as if it should be obvious. “I put it all on the company card.”
“I didn’t know you could expense pj’s and toiletries,” I teased.
He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. “You can also expense peppermint hot chocolate, and popcorn, and someone’s favorite New York–style pizza that will be delivered in an hour.”
Oh. He. Was. Good. I swallowed hard, begging myself not to get sucked into the magic that was Brandon, wondering why he was even behaving so flirtatiously. But looking into his caramel brownie eyes, hinting with what looked like an invitation to his magic show, had me wanting to buy a ticket for a front-row seat and live out all those tropes Carmen had mentioned. I had to remind myself this was the guy who had played me before. Seriously, what was his game plan? And why did I always seem to be a piece on his game board?