His face is back to mine, chain again dangling in front of me. His expression is serious, eyes dilated and dark. “Yes, I’m serious. I like knowing you’re mine.” He rasps against my lips, the deep vibration of his voice touching my hot skin, sending a chill down my spine. All of my humor dissipates when the crown of his dick teases my entrance. “And I want you to remember it, too. I want you to remember how fucking desperate you were when you came to me for help. How willing you were to give up your body so I could help you pass. How easy it was for me to have you like this because you get off on this shit. Isn’t that right? You’re drenching my cock, lifting your hips, spreading your legs for me.”
My lips part to say something, but nothing comes out. My body is on fire, burning with humiliation because he’s not wrong.
I swallow past the thick knot, push up on my palms, and arch my back. He looks smug because he knows what I’m doing. For the next few minutes, he kisses and writes the most demeaningthings all over my body and when he’s satisfied, he throws the pen on the nightstand.
I wait for him to do the most degrading things to me, but then he pushes away and saunters over to his dresser, opening the drawer that I know has his boxers.
“Get dressed. We’re going out.”
“No, the fuck you did not.” I groan, dropping back.
He nods, pulling his boxers over his legs. “Yes, the fuck I did. That’s for teasing me the other day.”
“The other day? What are you talking about?”
“Buying another guy’s jersey.”
“Are you serious?”
He continues getting dressed, then grabs my clothes and sets them next to me. “Come on, get dressed. We’re going to go celebrate. You look too pretty to let it go to waste.”
“You’re an asshole,” I frustratedly spit out and get dressed.
I sound irrational, because Landon just complimented me, but I also know he’s being an asshole because his accent sounds snobbier than usual.
“We’ve already established this. I’m not sure why you’re surprised?”
“Stupid petty asshole,” I mumble under my breath as I put my boots on and snatch my jacket from his hand. “You better be glad I’m actually hungry,” I say as I stand in front of the mirror to make sure the words aren’t peeking out, but that’s when I notice somethings off about it. “What happened to the other mirror?”
He stands behind me, eyes meeting mine through the mirror. “Saint took it back, so I bought one. Is it okay? If you don’t like it, I can get a different one.”
“You got this for me?”
“Yeah, I figured you’d need one whenever you stay over. I also got you a few things, so you don’t have to be carrying allyour stuff back and forth. Unless you want to, then that’s all right.”
The air ceases to exist because did he just saywheneverI stay over?
I spin around. “What stuff?”
He eyes the bags in the corner.
How did I not notice those?
“I didn’t set them out because I know you like your stuff in a particular place. You can put them wherever you want.”
I grab the bags and look through all of them. My heart races once again, but for a different reason and the stampede in my stomach returns. He got all of my skincare products and stuff I use to shower with. From the size of the bottle to the brand.
“You didn’t have to—thank you.” I don’t think when I slip my arms around him and hug him. He tenses, caught off guard, but then wraps his arms around my shoulders. “You’re still an ass, though.”
He chuckles, the rumble of his throaty laugh vibrating against my chest. “I like it when you’re mean to me.”
“You’re not supposed to like it. Can you at least pretend to be upset about it?”
“No, come on. You pick where we’re having dinner.”