“It’s your risk to take," I shout as I rush inside, leaving him standing in the garden.
The bistro is exactly as you would expect it to be, being right at the truck stop.
It’s old, worn at the edges, in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint. The seats are covered in pleather, bright red, and the wallpaper that was once (I think) turquoise now looks gray.
But the place is really clean; you can see that it means something to the couple who run it. While they might not be able to afford to revamp it, they do their best to make it as nice as it can be.
And the couple is absolutely lovely.
The wife, Beatrice, does all the cooking. Her husband, William, handles the drinks and manages the till. They look like they are still in love, even after being married for forty-sevenyears—yes, they told us all about it when we sat down and asked how long they’ve owned the place.
“What will you two lovely youngsters be having?” William asks as we browse over the menu. There are only three dishes to choose from today—the Wednesday menu.
“The pot stew for me, please,” I point to the menu where it’s listed.
“And for you, sir?” William asks Alexei.
“I’ll try the pork schnitzel with cheese sauce.”
“Excellent. It won’t take long. I’ll bring your drinks out in a second.”
He wanders off with our menus and I turn to look around the place.
It’s quiet, as I was hoping for, but there are a few other customers scattered around. At a table close to us is a couple who look like they are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.
I grin as I watch them, looking very in love.
When I turn back to Alexei he is looking right at me, his bright blue eyes penetrating into mine.
“You have a beautiful smile, Clara.”
I feel my cheeks flushing with warmth that spreads down my neck.
“Alexei…" I want to tell him how I feel. I so badly want to be bold enough and honest enough to tell him that I am falling for him.
“Yes?” He tilts his head slightly and beneath the table his legs touch mine.
My mind goes blank with panic.
Then it surges with a million what-ifs and all the things that might go wrong if I do this. My face goes from heated pink to pale. I can feel the blood drain from cheeks.
“I just wanted to say thank you for taking me out tonight. I like this place.”
His eyes narrow at me, he knows it’s not what I was going to say.
William arrives back with our drinks. Cream soda for me and a beer for Alexei.
“Food will be two minutes. It’s already all made in a massive slow cooker pot. Been brewing since this morning. She just had to throw those schnitzels in the pan for you.”
“Thanks, William.” Alexei smiles warmly at him.
Alexei reaches out and takes my hand when we are alone again. “What did you really want to say?”
I swallow hard. I can’t do it. I can’t take the risk. It’s too much.