I haven’t come across any snakes yet. For some reason, that scared me a lot even though there don’t seem to be any around here.

I did see a pretty big lizard two days ago. He was beautiful, though.

I told Alex all about him while he just stared at me with a grin on his face.

I wish I knew what that man was thinking. I wish I could read his expressions and understand how he really viewed me—what I am to him.

There is a light glow of perspiration on my face when I turn to start walking back to the house.

It’s been about an hour heading out, and an hour back, then a nice hot shower.

I wonder what Alex is making for dinner tonight.

He has been going out of his way to make fun and interesting food—I guess he has actually been going out of his way in pretty much everything. He’s been spoiling me with presents. Last night, he gave me a pair of hiking boots.

I glance down at my feet. They are so comfortable.

Caramel, tanned leather boots with nice thick laces. He also gave me thick hiking socks which are bundled up over the top of the boots. I think it looks super cute.

He told me I’d need to do a few easy walks before they wear in nicely and shape to my foot, but they are already so much more comfortable than my sneakers.

And, actually, I haven’t even slipped once on this walk. Not even a near fall.

Maybe it was those damn sneakers the entire time.

I arrive back at the house with a smile on my face. Every time I go into the forest I come back with a smile.

It’s nearing sunset and when I reach the gate. Alex is standing there waiting for me with a smile on his face.

“Hey beautiful. How were the boots?”

“They are so comfortable. I really love them.”

I walk right up to him and wrap my arms around his neck as I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him.

“Mm. I wouldn’t mind getting a greeting like that every day.” He grins, kissing my back.

“What’s for dinner?” I ask excitedly, a question I have been pondering more intensely for most of the walk back while my stomach growls hungrily.

“We’re going out. We can leave as soon as you’re ready.”

“Really? Out where?”

I almost don’t want to go out, especially in town somewhere. What if I see someone I know, or my uncle? My stomach tightens at the thought, a thick knot building inside me.

“There is a little bistro at the truck stop on the road nearby. Not too far. When I got groceries there the other day, I saw the menu. It’s all home-cooked by the owner; it looked really good—I thought we could try it out.”

Relief washes through me.

The thought of being in town, surrounded by a ton of people—I don’t like it. A quiet little bistro near the forest with home-cooked meals sounds perfect.

“I’ll hop in the shower right now and be ready in about thirty minutes.”

“No rush, take your time.”

“I’m almost hangry, so trust me, you want me to rush.”

He laughs loudly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hangry. Maybe I want to see it—get to know all of you.”