“No, never.”
Jane let out a loud sob.
“We’ve both been too scared—we’ve both wasted so much time. I know what happened to Heath was his destiny. He saved our son by giving his life. He’ll always be a part of me, but you are too, Kas. Please don’t walk away. Please don’t leave this room. Stay with me.”
Jane leaned forward quickly and smashed her lips against his. It shocked Kas at first, but he quickly recovered and joined her in the kiss. He tasted Jane. He felt her warmth against him, and her scent invaded all his senses. She wanted him, and he wanted her. He pulled away, leaving her lips reddened and plump from their passionate kiss.
“There is something I should tell you,” he spoke softly.
“What?” Jane stared at him, worried.
“My grandfather used to provide me with girls to practice techniques on, but I never did. We spoke, and they left.”
“Oh.” Jane gulped.
He realized she was disgusted at what he was implying.
“No.” He took her hand. “This is going to sound so silly. What I’m trying to say is I’m not like my brother. I don’t use women in the way he does. I made a decision a long time ago I would avoid that sort of thing. I knew I only wanted one woman.You. God, if any of the pack can hear this, they’re going to laugh at me. I put on a show, but in reality. I’m a virgin.”
“Wow.” Jane’s jaw fell open. Kas felt really silly. He was thirty-six and had never been with a woman. “That really is devotion to the pack.” Jane chuckled slightly.
Kas raised an eyebrow of frustration at her.
“I’m sorry, Kas. Actually, I like that you waited for me. I know it’s not exactly the same, but I’ve only ever been with Heath. No one else. I guess I was waiting for you as well.”
Kas loved what Jane said. He crushed his lips against hers.
This time, they didn’t part. He wrapped his arms around Jane and pulled her close to his body. He could feel the heat of her next to him. She was dressed only in a pair of pajamas. He hadn’t noticed before, but they had a little polar bear on them, proclaiming it was ‘time to snuggle’. He couldn’t agree more.
Kas tentatively reached under her pajama top and searched out her breasts. He had large hands to match the big feet he had as a polar bear. He wrapped them around her small breasts and felt the tender flesh heat with anticipation. Jane moaned with pleasure into his mouth where their lips were joined again. He captured each sweet gasp and swallowed it down as a memory for later. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
He grabbed the bottom of her top and pulled it over her head. Jane shook out her long brunette hair while he threw the top to the floor. She looked like a goddess, and the animal within him was going wild, calling out for him to take her now, but he wanted to take it slow. He needed to make this good for her, not mount her like an animal in the rutting season.
Jane lowered her pajama bottoms down her legs. He stood up and removed the rest of his clothes. As was normal for him, he folded them all neatly and placed them on a nearby chair. When he returned to the bed, Jane was smiling at him.
“One day, I’ll get you to take your clothes off without folding them up.”
Kas chuckled. She probably could get him to do anything.
“I’m pretty sure you will.”
He was lost in the moment and wasn’t thinking of the future. Everything was just about Jane. He lowered his large body over hers. She seemed tiny underneath him. He worried he would squash her.
“Kas, come out of your head for once. Focus on this.” She pointed at her breast.
His dick felt painfully hard between his legs. Okay, he wasn’t going to recede back into his head anymore. Not with the most beautiful woman beneath him. He met Jane’s lips, and they kissed passionately. His hands roamed over her body, learning every curve of her silky flesh.
He couldn’t get enough of her.
His hands traveled lower, his fingers sliding through the welcoming heat of her sex. She was ready for him.
He met Jane’s eyes.
“Take me Kas, make me yours. We can explore each other later. Right now, I need you inside me. I need to be reminded of what love feels like. To be worshiped.”
He couldn’t answer her. The words caught in his throat with the emotions coursing through his body. He couldn’t believe this was finally happening.
Maybe he’d been so tired he’d fallen asleep on his bed and was dreaming about Jane. It wouldn’t be the first time. But this felt so much more intense.