As the cathedral looms into view, I collect my thoughts. I just need to get through the next few hours, and then I can try to speak with her again.
The funeral cortege enters the precinct of the cathedral, and I see Hinchbootie waiting for me on the steps of the building. It’s a welcome sight, giving me the courage I need to get through the next part. I know there’ll be cameras on me at all times. All eyes will be on me, watching my every move to see what sort of king I’ll be.
The carriage with my father’s coffin pulls to a halt, and I lower my head, but movement ahead of me catches my eye.
At the top of the steps, stands Elodie, dressed in black with a light veil covering her face, and for the first time since I heard the gunshots, the emotion of the last two days hits me—I feel like I’m frozen to the spot.
She makes her way down the steps toward me.
“I got here as quickly as I could. Dalton, I’m so sorry.” Elodie takes both my hands in hers. She has tears in her eyes as she searches my face.
I know there are cameras on us everywhere, but I don’t care. I pull her close to me and press a longing kiss against her lips. I’ve missed her so much, and I can’t believe she’s here. That she came as soon as she knew what was happening.
I break our kiss and hold her to me.
“Please tell me you aren’t a dream?”
“I’m not.” Elodie looks over to my father’s coffin. “I’m here, and I’m staying forever, but for now, you need to bury your father. The eyes of the world are on you.”
“They’re on us.” I take Elodie’s hand. “And we’re going to break with protocol. My mother isn’t here, so I have an empty place next to me at the head of the mourners. You will join me and be at my side the entire time.”
“Now isn’t the…” Elodie starts to protest, but I silence her with a shake of my head.
“Now is the perfect time.”
I nod at the guards, who immediately remove my father’s coffin from the carriage and place it on their shoulders. Elodie and I fall into line behind the coffin of the man who tormented me my entire life. I’m still holding her hand as the funeral requiem starts, and we follow down the aisle to say a final goodbye to the old king before wiping the slate clean and building a new future.
After changing into more comfortable clothing, I grab my handbag and return to Dalton, who’s sitting deep in thought on a couch overlooking the gardens of the palace. I’m now dressed in yoga pants and a long jumper—not exactly classy compared to the formal suit Dalton’s still wearing, but I’m in need of comfort. My desperate dash across the Atlantic Ocean to be here to support him at the funeral has left me exhausted. I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else today, though.
“Do you want anything?” I ask, looking toward a table with a selection of drinks laid out on it. “I think I might have a brandy.”
I’m not a big drinker, but It’s been a long day. Not only did we have the funeral service and the burial, but afterward there was a wake, which seemed to be an endless sea of faces offering condolences and pledging support to the new king.
I still can’t believe Dalton is the ruler of Janastria now.
“I’ll have one as well.” Dalton looks up at me with a tired smile.
I pour us two brandies and make my way over to him. He taps the seat next to him, and I sit down and hand him a glass.
“How are you feeling? Or is that a silly question?” I dare to ask.
“Numb still, I think. It’s not fully dawned on me what’s happened. I’ve spent much of the last few days trying to avoid my father because I was so angry with the way he treated you. It doesn’t seem real he’s gone.” Dalton puts his drink to his lips, and I see him sniff the amber nectar before taking a large mouthful while I take a smaller one from my glass.
“It will take a while for it to sink in. I know I was numb for a long time after my parents died. I kept expecting to see them walk around the corner and give me a hug. I even dialed their number a few times to talk to them when I had something I needed to tell them. I did it out of habit. They’d been with me all my life, then suddenly they were gone. It took a while to adjust.”
Dalton places his drink down on the table next to the couch we’re sitting on.
“I know what you mean, but I’m not numb for the reasons you were. I know you adored your parents—the wall of pictures in your house proves that. I, however, hated my father, but he was a constant in my life. With him gone, my life has changed dramatically. This is my country now. I rule it. I’m only twenty-nine, and I don’t know if I can do this.” Dalton pauses and pulls me to him. “Everything is such a mess. When I look out of the window at the front of the palace, I see the people waiting for me to become a great king and reverse the wrongs of my father. I watch the news and read the papers, and I see the speculation. There are no glowing eulogies to my father. There’s only hope for what I can bring to the country—it terrifies me. I’m feeling numb because I’m scared, Elodie.”
I stroke my hand down Dalton’s face, emotion welling inside me.
“That’s because you’re human. Because you have a heart and soul.” My hand stops when it reaches Dalton’s chest, and I rest it there. “You never expected to be king this young. A mere few months ago you were still the playboy prince banished to a different country for causing embarrassment to the royal name. A lot has happened in a short space of time, and it will take a while for you to catch up, but I know you can do it. It’s why I fell in love with you.”