I hate seeing Dalton this way, so insecure and uncertain of himself. I know a lot of it is probably tiredness—I can tell from the dark circles rimming his eyes he hasn’t slept much recently.
“Is that why you’re back? Because you love me?”
“Yes.” I bring my head close to Dalton’s and rest my forehead against his. “I was at yoga yesterday morning. I went into bridge pose, and I lost myself in my feelings for you. Everywhere I looked, you were there in my memories. Jake brought me out of my position, and when he did, I was crying because I couldn’t be without you anymore. I didn’t know about your father at that point. I’d already made my decision to come back. I was pulling my phone out of my handbag to call you when I saw the headlines. I called Mr. Hinchbottom straight away and told him to get me to you as quickly as possible. I planned to come to the palace, but as I arrived in the city, Mr. Hinchbottom told me you wanted to walk behind the coffin alone, so I went directly to the cathedral. I’m not back because your father is dead, Dalton. I’m back because I love you and want to be with you. I made a mistake leaving you. I know now I can’t live without you. I just needed to return to America to realize I was running the wrong way. I needed to run to your arms for protection and strength, not back to the life I thought would bring me peace, because it was uncomplicated. I won’t run again. I’m here forever. I can’t live without you at my side. It’s too hard and hurts too much.”
“Good, because I need you as well. Ask Hinchbootie. I’ve been moping around the palace the last few days like a dog who’s lost its owner. It’s not just that, Elodie. I don’t think I can do this without you. Until I met you, I’d never experienced the selfless love I need to give to my subjects. Only you have given me that. I don’t know how to make this country better by myself, but I know we can do it together. I’m so scared to be king. I need the perfect queen at my side.”
“And you’ll have her, always.”
I open my handbag, which I’d placed next to the couch earlier, and I pull several items out of it. Dalton watches me the entire time while drinking from the glass of brandy in his hand as he tries to calm his emotions.
I place the pile of photos of me and my parents on the table. I’ve added to the collection, including several I took of the yoga class. “I thought I could put them on the wall in my room, if that’s all right with you and the historical rules of the palace?”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. I think we should have a room, like an art gallery, just for photos of people who mean something to us. I want to start including pictures of us as well, to chronicle our life together.”
“I really like that idea.” I sit back down next to Dalton as he sorts through the pictures, and I give him the card in my hand. “It’s from the yoga class.”
While I was preparing to return to Janastria, my students got together and wrote a card for Dalton. I’ve read a few of their comments, but they made me too tearful, so I shut it again.
He takes the card from me and starts to read. “Typical Jake, he’s threatening to come and find me if I hurt you. I suspect it’s probably treason now to write that sort of thing.”
I laugh. “I don’t think he’s the only one to have written that.” I point to where Maria has written him a message, warning him to take good care of me.
“I have a feeling I could never return to Florida if I upset you. I’d be lynched by a rabid yoga group.”
“So it would seem.”
“I’d like to bring them all over here if we can at some point. I know it’ll be difficult for a few of them, but I’d like them to see where you’re going to be living and reassure them I’ll look after you.”
“I like that idea very much.”
Dalton falls silent, reading a few more messages on the card.
“I can do this, can’t I?” he finally speaks.
“Be king?” I question.
He places the card down on the table and takes both of my hands in his. I look up at him and see the affection for me in his eyes. It masks the worry he has, hidden below the surface—the fear that he’ll never be good enough because that’s what he’s been told all his life.
“You’ll be the best king Janastria has ever seen. You have a heart as big as any person I’ve ever known, and I’ll be here to support you, if you want me.”
“I’ll always want you, Elodie. You’re mine, and I’m not going to let you leave my life again. It made us both miserable.”
Dalton slides from the couch and onto one knee.
“I vowed that if you returned to me, no matter what anyone said, I was going to do this. I’m afraid I don’t have a ring with me at the moment, but we’ll visit the royal collection tomorrow, and you can choose one. If…” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “Elodie Nash, we haven’t known each other for long, but I know in my heart you’re it for me. I can’t live without you. I’ll need you at my side all my life, whether it be long or short, difficult or easy. I just need you. Will you be my wife and my queen?”
My breath hitches as Dalton asks me to marry him. I never expected it so soon, but I know my answer. I don’t want to wait either. I want to be with him forever. I love him more than anything. Without him, I’m incomplete.
“I won’t be your queen. I’ll be Janastria’s queen because that’s who I need to be for this country. As for being your wife….yes, Dalton, I’ll be your wife. I love you.”
Dalton gets to his feet and pulls me into his arms before swinging me around and showering me in kisses. The kisses deepen as we fall back onto the couch. Our tongues twist together in a passionate dance of love. I’ve missed Dalton’s taste. His scent is intoxicating to me, and I need him inside me now. Sliding from the couch, I remove my clothes as quickly as I can. Dalton stares at me for a few moments before doing the same. We’re both naked in less than a minute.
“Please say you’re ready for me? I’m not sure I’ve got the patience for foreplay at the moment,” Dalton pleads as I straddle over him.
“I’m always ready for you.”