"I've got a big dick," Dalton retorts.
I gag. "Too much information."
We both fall silent for a few moments.
"Thank you, Elodie. I'm really sorry for upsetting you. My father sent me away to learn how to be a decent human, but it's meeting you that has actually spurred me on to learn about real life."
"It's okay." I twirl a strand of hair around my finger, playfully acting like I'm superior. "I'll add it to my resume—prince reality-check guide. How about we dispel another of the myths in your head? You said you don't understand the freeing nature of yoga. Well, step out of your comfort zone. Join my class tomorrow."
I'm still concerned by some of the looks I’m getting from the other members of Elodie's yoga class as I take my position on the floor. My bodyguard reluctantly takes his place next to me after it was decided he should be with me the entire time.
"Welcome, class. Today we have two new members," Elodie announces. "I hope you will join me in welcoming them. I'm very excited to have them here."
I hold my hand up in a royal wave and mouth ‘hello’ at everyone. I get a couple of smiles back but most are glares—tough crowd.
"We're going to start by doing a few stretches. If you could all lie on the floor in Shavasana, please."
Everyone around us lies down with their feet a small distance apart and the palms of their hands facing up—my bodyguard and I look at each other before doing the same.
"Open up your shoulders, shut your eyes, and allow your chin to drop a little." Elodie continues her lesson.
I start to feel silly, lying on the floor with a bunch of other people. The relaxation part of this isn't kicking in yet. As Elodie speaks, I find my mind wandering off to an email I received earlier this morning, which I need to deal with, detailing an issue with the Janastrian navy.
"Dalton, you're supposed to be stretching your legs." Elodie's voice appears at my side. "Is everything all right?"
"Yes," I reply back to her. "Sorry, my mind went elsewhere."
"It's good when that happens, but always try and bring yourself back to the moment, to my voice telling you what to do." She smiles reassuringly at me.
"Okay," I respond and take a quick look at what everyone else is doing. I raise my right leg into the air and stretch it out.
"That's good, now the left leg," Elodie encourages, and this time, I find myself really listening to her voice as she continues to tell us what to do.
It's the first time I've really just focused on a person's voice. She has a firm but calm tone. It's warm and welcoming but lets you know she won't take any shit, just like the person herself.
Eventually, when we're all stretched out and I dare to admit I do feel a little more relaxed, Elodie gets us to our feet.
"I want to work on three different poses today. Adho Muka Svanasana or downward dog, Trikonasana or triangle pose, and the hardest one, Vrikshasana or the tree post." Elodie winks at me when she says the first one knowing it was the reason for our argument last night. I knew she'd get me in that pose after my comment. "We did downward dog in our last session so most of you know it. For those who are new, get onto your hands and knees. Put your knees directly below your hips like this," she demonstrates, "and your hands slightly forward."
I get into the position Elodie has directed. I'm right in front of her so I can see her movements clearly.
"Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. Keep them bent slightly, though. Lengthen your tailbone away from your pelvis and press it slightly toward the pubis."
Pubis? Pelvis? What the fuck is she talking about?
I feel a pair of hands on me. At first, it startles me, but then I realize it's Elodie.
"I should probably say to you, push your tailbone toward your dick." She winks at me and helps me into position.
My leg muscles are instantly stretched. It feels like a good workout.
"As you inhale, lower your heels to the ground. Keep your legs straight but don't lock the knees. Make sure to straighten out your arms. Keep your head between them. Don't let it hang." Elodie gives us further instructions, and as I do them, I wish I never made a joke about the downward dog.Fuck, this position is challenging!
"I want you to hold the pose for five breaths. Deeply in and out."