Page 60 of Easy Rumba

“You fucking whore. You’re dead set on ruining my life, and I won’t let it happen. You made a fool out of me in court. I’ve never been spoken to in the way that judge did when he told me off. Nobody talks to me like that. I’m Simon French, the best actor on the whole goddamn fucking planet. I rule Hollywood. Nobody does anything without my say. I’ll not have a bitch like you take that away from me.”

Two more quick punches come to my body and then one to my face. I’m in agony, but I know this is the only way to put a stop to everything.

“Maybe I should show you just what I’m capable of. I’ll stop this nonsense and take you back to Hollywood where you can play the perfect wife you were meant to be. I didn’t break you enough last time, but this time, I will.”

Simon spins me around and thrusts me up against the wall again, facing forward. I feel his body cover mine from behind. He’s hard, and I realize what he means to do. He’s going to rape me. I never thought him capable of that. I’ve underestimated him. Things have gone too far. This wasn’t part of my plan.

Instinct takes over, and I frantically push against him. I can’t let him do this. I kick out as hard as I can behind me, and it catches his legs. He shouts in pain and momentarily lets go of me. It’s all I need to get away from him, and I run for the front door. He’s quicker, though, and recovers just in time to grab me before I get to the safety of the street. He pulls me down, and I land with a heavy thud on the floor. It knocks the wind out of me, and I struggle for breath as he kicks me in the torso a few times and lays down on top of me. I can’t escape. He struggles to pull my leggings down my body. I’m screaming, and he’s shouting obscene words into my ear, calling me ever derogatory word I know. Then just as suddenly as it started, it all stops. I feel weightless as Simon is lifted from my body and thrown across the room by Leo, my hero. He’s come back, even though I told him to stay away. Leo kneels down beside me, scanning over my injuries.

“Did he?” His eyes flick to where my leggings are pulled down my body.

I know he’s checking to see if I’ve been raped.

“No.” I let out a loud sob. “Izzy, is she okay?” I suddenly realize he was looking after my little girl.

“She’s outside with Gabby and Rhys. I asked them to meet us here. I think a few of Gabby’s brothers are here too. Well, that’s who she told me they were. I’ve also called the police.”

At that moment, Simon comes storming back at Leo, and before I can react, he’s pushed Leo through the now open door and outside into the front yard of the house. Simon follows, and as I scramble to my feet, I see them start to throw punches at each other.

“Stop,” I shout, noticing Izzy standing with Gabby. My friend instantly covers my daughter’s eyes. “Stop,” I shout weakly again. “It’s over. It’s done.”

In the distance, police sirens sound. Leo and Simon both stop exchanging punches. Simon scrambles to get to his car when he realizes the sirens are heading our way, but Rhys’s and Gabby’s brothers prevent him escaping. I fall to the ground in my doorway, my chest heaving with exertion and pain.

“He’s finished. He has no hold over me anymore,” I manage to say when Leo comes back to my side. I stroke down the side of his face. “He’s finished, Leo. I’ve got him. I’m going to press charges, and I’ve got video evidence of everything he did. I’m not scared anymore. Simon French is an abuser, and I’m ready to tell the world.”

Leo presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I groan with pain again. It’s all getting to be too much for me. I can feel the darkness edging into my vision, but I manage to stay awake just long enough to watch the police arrive and arrest Simon for assault and attempted rape. His career is finished. His own arrogance destroyed him, and I finally have all the power back.