Page 61 of Easy Rumba



“And the winners are…” Vanessa does her deliberate long pause.

Elise is shaking next to me. I wasn’t sure she’d make tonight after the beating she took from Simon, but she did. She showed everyone just how strong she is by performing and scoring tens all night in dresses that reveal the bruising to her body. She could have worn outfits to hide her injuries, but she refused. She wanted to show the world what a domestic abuse survivor could do.

As for Simon, he’s currently released from jail on a three million dollar bail bond, and his case isn’t looking good. He will get jail time for what he’s done to Elise. The better news is he isn’t allowed anywhere near Elise or Izzy, or me, for that matter, which is probably for the best. I was in such shock at seeing the position Elise was in when I rescued her that I didn’t get to give her ex-husband a taste of his own medicine. I’d love to have another chance to punish him. His contract with the studio in Hollywood has been cancelled, and his jobs have all dried up. His career is effectively over, and even his new girlfriend has left him. Couldn’t happen to a better man. He’s got what he deserves, and when Elise is my wife and I change Izzy’s surname to Westwood, he’ll realize that even more. I plan on doing both those things very soon. We’ve wasted too much time.

Bloody hell, this pause is going on forever.

Hurry up and announce the winner.

My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling at the camera.

“Elise Landry and her partner, Leo Westwood.”

“Yes,” Elise and I both scream at the same time. We can’t believe we’ve done it. It’s been the longest most stressful twelve weeks of my life, but I wouldn’t change any of it. I love the outcome too much.

We’re jumping around screaming. The entire cast are joining us. Streamers fall from the ceiling, and at some point, we’re given a glitter ball trophy. The hosts give up on interviewing us. It’s not going to happen. Everyone is just so loud and happy. Izzy slips out of Gabby’s care and comes running toward us when I beckon her. She embraces Elise who gives her the trophy to hold up high. I pick Izzy up on my shoulders and hold her even higher. She’s screaming with excitement, and then everyone is crying.

Elise is.

I am.

It’s crazy.


But beautiful.

The cameras eventually stop rolling, and the night ends. Elise’s time on the dance show is finished. Mine is also. This isn’t what I want. I don’t think I could come back next year and dance with anyone else. It would feel wrong. I’ll support it in any other way I can, but for me, this is the end of competing.

Apart from asking Elise to marry me later, it’s too soon to discuss the future. She’s mentioned going back to acting but not with any real enthusiasm. It’s more a case of she can if she wants to now. We both got more excited when we discussed starting a dance and acting school here in New Orleans. That could be the future, but I’m not sure. I’m going with the flow at the moment. There’s been too much tension and emotion packed into the last twelve weeks. All I know is I’m happy. I’ve found the one to tame me. Something I wasn’t sure would ever happen. Twelve weeks ago, I was the eternal bachelor. Now I’m planning on marriage and instant fatherhood to a ten year old. No longer, Mr. Leo, but Papa, after I asked Izzy for her permission to marry her mama earlier today.




“Leo, are you coming to bed or are you going to sit staring at that trophy all night?” Elise shouts at me from the bedroom door. She’s wearing her pajamas. A lot of men would say they’re nothing sexy to look at, but with Elise wearing them, they’re making me fucking horny. She’s a goddess. Casual or dressed up, I want her.

“Can we put the trophy beside the bed?” I reply, padding down the corridor while removing my t-shirt to give her the view of my torso she loves so much. Her eyes instantly lower to my abs, and she blushes. I hope that never changes.

“You know we have to give it back, right?”

My lips find hers, and I kiss around to the back of her neck,

“Not for a year, though, we don’t.”

“I still can’t believe we won it, Leo.”

“Easiest victory ever. I had the best partner.”

“I won’t tell Angelique that.”

“She agreed with me earlier.”