Chapter 27
“Here’s your tea. I assume you still don’t take sugar.”
I hand Simon one of the Target mugs I purchased when I first moved here.
“Thank you. Interesting choice of cup. I see you’re embracing the hillbilly life.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call New Orleans a hillbilly area. It’s a vibrant city full of different cultures and history.”
I take a seat on the sofa opposite Simon, who’s sitting in an old wingback chair in my lounge. It’s a purchase I made from an antique shop. I have to admit he looks ridiculous in it. He’s more of a white leather, wacky-shaped chair type of man.
“Do you think it’s a good city for our daughter to grow up in? I mean it doesn’t seem very clean compared to Beverly Hills. What is the drug addiction rate? What are the reports like from her school? I hope you’ve checked the teenage pregnancy rates? The last thing I need is a headline like that.”
“I’ve done all of that, Simon. The city is perfect for her to live in. I grew up here, and I’ve never touched drugs, and my only pregnancy was with your child. Izzy’s getting superb results in class, and her school is the best in the area. She’s learning French, and I know she can choose another language soon. She’s mentioned Spanish. I would never scrimp and save on her education. I have money and can afford the best for her.”
“Shame you don’t dress her in the best clothes.”
“There’s no point. With the dust in the area, she’d end up filthy at the end of the day anyway.”
“Well then she should be taught to keep herself clean.” Simon slams his cup down on the table with such force I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter. My heart rate quickens. I know what my plan is, but actually going through with it is completely different. I look up into the corner of the room where I know the video camera is recording everything happening. It’s part of my security system. “I won’t have press reports of her being a wild child. She needs to be a princess for the press to adore her. Too many children of the Hollywood elite are getting bad press for their families nowadays. I don’t need that. It won’t be good for my career.”
“I can assure you Izzy is a good kid. She always will be.”
“Shame her mother is a news grabbing whore,” Simon spits at me.
I recognize the venom in his voice.
“We both know that’s the last thing I am. I’ve always loved acting, but I’ve never wanted the fame side of things. I only decided to participate in the dance show because I wanted to do something for myself, and with it being here in New Orleans, I could still look after Izzy while doing it. I didn’t think I’d even get through the first round.”
“But you did and started a relationship with a long lost friend. Is he the guy you lost your virginity to?” Simon leans forward in his chair, his fists clenched.
“He is. But as you know, we hadn’t spoken in years. However, I’m glad I got to meet him again.”
“I bet you are. Do you actually fuck him good or just lie there like you did for me?”
“I’m not going to discuss private aspects of my life with you, Simon. We’re divorced now, and you’ve lost all rights to that,” I reply adamantly.
His words mean nothing to me. I would have once been scared by them, but they don’t confuse and hurt me anymore. He’s the man with issues. He believes everyone else is out to destroy him, but the only person doing that is himself. He’s weak and foolish—a self-obsessed narcissist. Why didn’t I see it before? What have I been so worried about all these years?
“You don’t get it do you, Elise? I’ll always be in your life and not just because of our daughter. I’m in your head. I’m under your skin. Leo may be the one fucking you right now, but he’ll never keep you satisfied. Sooner or later, you’ll push him away and come running back to me like you’ve always been meant to. I’m the only one who can give you what you need. Deep down, you hate yourself and the pain I inflict lets you know just what a worthless piece of shit you really are.”
I take a deep breath and stand.
His words mean nothing.
They are his insecurities not mine.
I’m a strong woman.
“This conversation is not going down the route of making plans to ensure Izzy is taken care of. It’s time for you to leave.”
Simon is out of his chair in a flash, his hand circling around my neck as he restricts my breathing. I’m slammed against the wall behind me while he sneers.
“I’m not going anywhere, my little wife. I’ve told you before…you’re mine. You’ve let another man touch you, and I’m going to punish you for that.”
His fist comes fast into my ribs, and I cough, trying desperately to get air into my strangled lungs.