Page 44 of Easy Rumba

“I can’t, please. We’ve got to find another way. Don’t make me do this. I won’t survive it. It’s why I signed the contract so freely because it allowed me to move on and forget it.”

“None of it was your fault, Elise. Don’t hide away, because you think it was.”

“I’m not. I just don’t want Izzy to see me as weak.”

Leo goes to open his mouth and persuade me some more when a noise from the kitchen doorway distracts us both. Izzy is standing there, staring at us.

“Mama?” I turn my head away and quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. “Has Simon said something to upset you?”

“No, Izzy, I’m fine.” I try to keep my voice strong.

“I think your mama is just tired from all the dancing.” Leo kisses the top of my head and stands up. “Have you finished your dinner?”

“Yes, Mr. Leo.”

“Good girl. Now, why don’t you go and get your pajamas on, and your mama can do the same. I’ll tidy up, and then we can all settle down for a movie night. We’ll worry about the outside world tomorrow. But tonight, we can get lost in the latest Avengers film. What do you say to that?” Leo moves around the room as he speaks, putting the phones on silent. He gets to the house phone and pulls it from the wall.

“Yes, please.” Izzy jumps up and down before running to her room.

“What if my mama phones?” I question, suddenly worried she’s seen the interview.

“Call her while you’re changing but only her.”

Leo brings my phone over to me as I stand up from the sofa.

“Tell me it’s going to be okay, Leo.” I plead.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Leo kisses me on the lips and pushes me toward my bedroom. But before I disappear from the lounge, I take one final look at him for reassurance. It doesn’t come, though, when I see his figure slumped in defeat.