Chapter 20
The next few days pass in a flurry of meetings with various different press people and lawyers. My father is sticking by his words and has sold his story to anyone who’ll listen. I’ve tried to speak to my mamá about it, but she’s not been answering her phone. I called one of her neighbors to check on her, but they phoned back saying she didn’t want to be disturbed at present because the lies had hurt her too badly. My mamá hasn’t exactly been known for her good mental health in the past, and I don’t want to push things with her, so I asked the neighbor to keep an eye on her.
On the day of the live show things get even worse. The fantastic jive we’ve been practicing falls apart not just in rehearsal but during the actual performance as well. We come in the bottom two after a score of twenty-four, but the judge who made the final decision saved us over the other couple.
Thankfully, the cast of the show are supporting us. It’s been made known that although we are now in a relationship, Elise and I were not, as Simon suggests, having an affair while she was married. A part of me wants to leave the show and hide Elise away from the limelight. Maybe she’s right. If she quits, then Simon might leave us alone. I can’t bring myself to let her do it, though. He’s nothing but an abusive bully, and this is another one of his tactics to destroy Elise because she’s better than him.
“Mama, the public are poopy,” Izzy cries as she runs toward Elise.
The look of upset on her face has me clutching at my chest in disappointment for her. It must be hard seeing her mama put in this position. I know it’s the reality of the show, but Izzy isn’t stupid—she’s seen the news reports and heard our whispered conversations over the last few days. She knows there’s more at stake here than winning a dance contest.
“Isabella French, you go wash your mouth out,” Elise admonishes her, not forcefully, though. It’s actually quite funny.
“Sorry, Mama,” Izzy replies. “But you taught me to always tell the truth.”
I can’t help laughing at Izzy’s comment. She has her mama dead to rights there.
“Cheeky, but I love you for it. Why don’t we get changed and go home? It’s getting late.”
Elise pulls Izzy into her arms. I just stand there smiling at them both.
“Another reason you’re a bad mother.” The deep timbered voice comes from somewhere near the stage. There are a lot of people milling around, so it takes a few seconds for me to locate its owner. The second I do, I step in front of Elise and Izzy. Rhys and Sam, who’d accompanied Gabby and Izzy in the audience, do the same. Leah is standing to the side of the stage, talking with a few executives.
“Leah, call security.”
Simon smirks as he stops in front of me. He’s accompanied by four cops.
“It’s okay, Leo. I brought my own protection. You don’t need to be concerned about my safety,” the smug actor retorts.
“Believe me, I wasn’t. I was thinking of the quickest way I could get you removed from the building.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not hanging around.” He tries to step around me to talk to Elise, but I stand in the way.
I shake my head,
“Not happening, you don’t get to talk to Elise. Leave now.”
Leah must have already called security because several large men in suits arrive. One of the police officers with Simon steps aside to talk to them while a number of the male professional dancers come and stand beside us as well. Another one of the policemen steps forward.
“Ms. Landry, is there somewhere a little more private we could talk.”
I don’t allow Elise to respond. I’m too quick with my own answer.
“Anything can be said here in front of witnesses. Mr. French is not allowed anywhere on his own with Miss Landry.”
“As you wish.” The police officer moves away.
Simon continues to give me a shit-eating grin as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. He goes to hand it to Elise, who’s still hidden behind me with Izzy in her arms. I snatch it from him and hand it to Elise. I don’t want him to have the chance to get anywhere near her.
Elise opens the paper and starts to read. A few seconds later her legs give way, and I have to move like a bolt of lightning to catch her before she hits the floor.
“What does it say?” I question.
“He’s taking custody of Izzy.”
“He can’t do that.”