Chapter 18
“Our final couple tonight are Hollywood actress, Elise Landry, and her partner, Leo Westwood,” Vanessa announces to the audience.
The camera pans to Elise and me as we stand beside the stage. I can feel her shaking. She always gets nervous, but this is the part I relish, the moment before I dance. Our introduction video starts playing as we take our position on the dance floor. It’s a montage of our week in training, minus Elise on her knees giving me the most amazing blow job of my life. Thankfully, we had no cameras set up in the studio that day. It would have been embarrassing.
“I feel sick,” Elise whispers into my ear as the footage continues.
“You’ll be fine. Imagine we’re at home doing the dance in your bedroom…horizontally.” I place my lips close to her ear as I speak and feel her shiver at my words.
“My daughter’s watching.”
“Ok, maybe not.”
Elise lets out a little chuckle, and like that, all the nerves are gone.
The music starts, ‘Falling Slowly’ by Josh Groban, and we launch into the dance. Her body molds to mine, and when she moves away from me, her hips sway perfectly as her legs flex and straighten to create the movement just as it should be done. She loses herself in the emotion of the dance, and I join her while making sure she has one foot on the ground at all times. Even though I want to lift her up high and then settle her back down over my cock, it wouldn’t be advisable on live TV. Plus, lifts are illegal in the rumba, and I’m not going to risk losing any points.
The last few bars of the music play, and Elise presses in close to me. Her eyes are captured in mine, and her pupils are dilated. I can see the sexual tension within her. She’s smoldering with need, but the only satisfaction I can give her at the moment is a good score.
We finish the dance, and the audience erupts. Everyone is on their feet, clapping and cheering. I’ve never heard anything like it in all my years of dancing. I look at the judges, and they are all on their feet as well. I know instantly we’ve done amazingly.
“Oh, my God.” Elise keeps holding on tightly to me. “Thank you,” she says to the entire audience rather than anyone in particular. “Thank you.”
We make our way over to Vanessa and stand there waiting for the judges’ feedback. Elise is still gripping my hand tightly.
Sharon sits back down before speaking first.
“That was simply stunning. The hairs on my arms are standing up. I’m crying—it was so beautiful. The emotion between you both, and the perfect moves and steps. Leo, I can tell you’ve worked Elise hard this week, and it’s paid off. I’ll be watching that performance on video again and again later. There’s no way you’ll not be going through to the next show.”
She gets to her feet once more and gives us another round of applause. Elise looks up at me, and I’m desperate to kiss her on the top of her head, but I know I have to refrain. I just squeeze her tighter and wonder if Gabby will have Izzy to sleep over tonight.
Elton is up next, his praise is similar to Sharon’s with another standing ovation, and I shut my eyes when it’s Denzel’s turn until Elise gasps, and I open my eyes quickly. Denzel is on his feet, clapping his hands.
“I’ve no words. That was the best rumba I’ve ever seen in all my years on this show. Fabulous.”
The audience erupts into cheers and shouts. I’d like to think we could get a perfect score tonight, but I have to be realistic. Denzel has never given a ten before the final in all his years on the show.
Vanessa sends us to the backroom where all the other dancers and celebrities are cheering our name. Angelique grabs me and whispers her own congratulations before the second host, Chris, calls us forward for another quick chat. I don’t really hear what Elise is saying. I don’t know what I’m saying to be honest. My heart is beating so fast with anticipation. Eventually Chris announces the scores are ready.
Denzel is up first.
It seems to take forever for him to raise his paddle.
I breathe deeply.
My palms sweat.
I’m a mess, and all because of a dance.
It really does say it, doesn’t it?
Everyone around me goes crazy—the judges, the audience, the hosts, my fellow dancers, and celebrities. It’s amazing. I’ve won a lot of competitions, but getting a thirty on this dance with Elise is the best feeling in the world.