It’s my turn to watch, and I push myself up onto my elbows to get a better view. Leo slides from the bed, removing his t-shirt as he goes, the rippling muscles of his chest and torso hold my attention. A professional dancer’s body definitely suits him. Next he lowers his jeans. The muscles of his thighs and the ass you could bounce a coin off send my blood pressure rising and my core clenching.
“Are you on the pill? I’m clean. I have regular checks every year and haven’t slept with anyone since the last all clear.”
“I don’t have regular checks.” I lower my head. “But the only person I’ve slept with is Simon, and after I left him, I was advised to have a test just in case. It was negative.”
“If you say no, I completely understand, but ever since our first time when we used a condom, I’ve dreamed of being inside you without one. Would you be okay with that?”
Leo sits on the edge of the bed, and the atmosphere in the room has turned serious.
“Have you been with many other girls? Any of them without a condom?”
I don’t know why I ask, but I want to know. The answer will hurt me, I’m sure of it, but I need to understand the life he’s lived while away from me.
“There have been a few. But nothing serious apart from the ex-girlfriend I told you about. None of them compared to you. That’s always been the problem—every time I slept with someone, I had you in my head. My first and only love. Fourteen years is a long time to be apart. I’ve never been bareback with anyone, though. I’ve only ever wanted to do that with you.” Leo reaches out to take my hand. He brings it up to his lips and kisses each of my fingers. “No pressure. We’ll use a condom. Both our mama’s will be happy that we’re being safe.” Leo laughs trying to lighten the mood. He reaches for his jeans and pulls out his wallet.
I take it from him, “No, I want you bare inside me.”
Leo smiles, and pushing me back on the bed, he throws the wallet aside.
“Whatever the lady wants, she gets.”
Leo whips his underwear down, and his erection springs free. I watch it for a few seconds, dwelling on how lucky I am. He positions himself at my entrance before slowly pushing in—each gentle thrust forward is followed by a moments pause to allow me to adjust to his intrusion. He was big the first time I slept with him, and I’m sure, if it’s possible, he’s grown even more over the fourteen years we’ve been apart. When he seats himself fully inside me, we both remain still as we stare into each other’s eyes.
“I’m home,” Leo utters on a barely heard breath.
“I know,” I respond in a whisper and shift my hips at the same time, encouraging him to move. He obliges, and I let out a feral growl of appreciation for the pleasure he’s giving me. Our bodies are entwined, and they settle into a natural rhythm, his moving in and out of me and mine welcoming him every time he plunges deep inside me.
Leo’s pace quickens as he crushes our lips together, joining them in a searching tango of emotions. I feel the destruction of my past flow out of my body, and I allow Leo to replace it with the confidence to believe I’m the woman he tells me I am.
A fantastic mama.
And an amazing lover.
All the things Simon took away from me.
Leo reaches down between us and strokes my clit. It’s all I need to come around his cock. He buries himself deep inside me as my climax sets off his own, and he calls my name while I feel his release coating my insides.
Still joined together on the bed, Leo holds me close as his cock starts to soften inside me. We don’t say a word—we just stare into each other’s eyes until eventually he falls out of me, and leaning forward, he kisses me on the nose.
“Damn, I could do that all night with you, but we have a heavy training session in the dance studio tomorrow.”
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to dance in the morning if we keep going.”
We shift on the bed, so my head is nestled on Leo’s chest.
“Maybe we’ll get a few hours’ sleep, and then we can do it once more before we go to rehearsals. I know for certain I’m not letting you out of this bed without being buried deep inside you at least one more time.”
We both drift into a comfortable and contented slumber, waking twice during the night to make love to each other. The first time slow and searching, exploring positions. The second time hard and fast, causing the bed to shake so much I thought it might break. Yes, I was definitely going to have a thoroughly-fucked walk and be dancing strangely later on.