Page 24 of Second Chances

“So, did he remove the stick?” She takes a seat at the island in the middle of my designer kitchen. It’s the one thing in my home I wasn’t going to scrimp with, because I love to cook.

“Seriously!” I slide a plate with an apricot swirl across to her. “Don’t you have a husband and two kids to look after?”

“Meh.” She waves her hand in the air. “I left James and Matthew looking after Thomas and Isabelle. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Er…last time you did that you came home and found them all sitting on the sofa in their underwear watching American football. The two men with beers and the kids with juice cups. Do you not remember the choice language Thomas picked up?”

This time, she shrugs her shoulders.

“They won’t do that again. I set Sonia on them.”

We both laugh, and I pull a cinnamon swirl out of the bag and put it on a plate for myself.

“So?” Amy asks again. “How did it go?”

“You’re not going to shut up about it until I tell you are you?”

She bounces on her chair with excitement as she replies, “No.”

“Ok, well you know where he took me.”

“The medieval banquet?”


“How was it?”

I take a bite of my pastry before I reply.

“Amazing. The best experience of my life. I want to go back again, but next time, I’m going to get the best Tudor costume I can find. I want to feel even more like a medieval princess.”

“I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. I was nervous about suggesting it because I didn’t know if you’d get time to talk to each other unlike a normal restaurant.”

“No. It was perfect.”

“I’m glad.” Amy finishes her Danish and starts on her coffee. “So…what happened afterward?”

“He took the stick out of my ass.” I stick my tongue out at her. “That’s all you’re getting.”

“Boring.” Amy rolls her eyes. “So he stayed over.”

I shake my head.

“We’re not at that fully intimate stage yet. We’re taking it slowly. According to him, I’m not ready yet.”

“It’s the Dom thing.” Amy looks at me with a knowing grin. “They like to be in charge.”

“I kind of like that—it makes me feel special and protected.”


We both fall silent and enjoy a moment with our coffees. Amy removes the lid from hers.

“Amy, can I ask you something?”

“Sure?” She shifts on her chair, making herself more comfortable.

“You’ve told me a little bit about Ryan’s issues. The fact his grandfather made him believe Miranda and Pete didn’t love him, and that they gave him away when he was born. I can’t help but feel there’s more to it than that. Please, before I get in too deep, I feel I should know everything.”