Page 25 of Second Chances

Amy stares down into her nearly empty coffee cup.

“I’m not sure I should. It’s more his story to tell than mine.”

“Please. I want to know the truth. I know Matthew is a part of whatever has happened. Ryan let Matthew hit him in the cage. I don’t understand. Please. Help me to.”

“Ok, I’ll tell you a bit, but you can’t tell anyone.”

“Promise.” I cross my hand over my heart.

“You know some strange things were happening to us. We had a fire at James’ castle in Yorkshire, Grayson, Sophie, and Miranda were involved in a car accident, and then James was arrested for no reason.”

“Yes, I remember. I was on the verge of wrapping you in cotton wool to make sure you were ok.”

“Ryan was behind all of that.”

“What?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “How could he have possibly been behind it?”

“His grandfather had warped his mind. He made Ryan believe so much that wasn’t true.” Amy pauses, and I can see tears filling her eyes.

“Amy, what is it?” I take her hand and hold it tight.

“I shouldn’t be telling you this. It’s Ryan, Miranda, and Pete’s story.”

“I have to know. You can’t stop now. Please, Amy.”

“Ryan didn’t have a good childhood. Miranda was only sixteen when she fell pregnant with Ryan. Her father was part of the upper gentry and didn’t approve. He stole Miranda away and imprisoned her. Pete never stopped searching for her, but it was too late. When he found her, Miranda had given birth and their son, Ryan, had been stolen away from them. It wasn’t until the day James was injured that they discovered him again. They searched for so many years but never told James and Sophie about him. It was too painful for them. They narrowly missed finding him once—Ryan had been placed by his grandfather with two heroin addicts. He had no food, and they beat him. His grandfather played on this neglect and twisted Ryan until he developed an insatiable need for revenge. On the day of James’ shoulder injury, it all came to a head. But somehow, Miranda and Pete were able to convince Ryan of the truth before it was too late. He spent six months having therapy to recover from everything afterward. It’s been hard for him, but I promise you he’s not the man he once was. I wouldn’t let him near you if I thought he was a risk to your safety. He really isn’t. I leave him alone with Isabelle and Thomas—that’s how much I trust him.”

I let go of Amy’s hand and walk away from her. My mind is reeling from everything I’ve just heard. I was under no illusion that Ryan was a dangerous man. He worked for MI5, for god’s sake. I was sure he’d killed people as a part of his job, but for revenge?…that was different. I try to think back over everything Amy has told me in the past.

“The reporter who was bothering you?” I spin around and face my friend.

“Sally Bridgewater.”

“You told me that she was the mother of Grayson’s son. She died in mysterious circumstances.”

“Yes, Ryan framed Sophie for her death. James and Matthew covered it up. It’s why I’ve never told you about it. I’m sorry.”

“Ryan killed her?” The Danish regurgitates in my stomach, and I bend over the sink to bring it up. Amy gets to her feet and rubs my back.

“He did, but none of us are sorry. She deserved it for what she did to Ash.”

“He killed her.” I run the tap to clean out my sink and reach up to a cupboard above my head for a glass. I fill it with water and take a sip.

“He did.” Amy inhales deeply and continues, “You mentioned the cage fight. Well, the reason for that contest was because Ryan shot Matthew.”

“No.” I shake my head.

Amy nods.

“I promise you, Elena, he’s a changed man. He wasn’t well then. He’s gone through so much treatment and counseling to help him. Miranda and Pete adore him. James and Sophie worship him as an older brother. We’ve all forgiven what he did. It took me a lot longer because of James’ injury, but I know that he’s a good man, and I just want him to have a future as bright as he deserves. His past nearly destroyed him, but he survived and is flourishing. Trust him. Please.”

I can’t answer her. My head is spinning, trying to take everything in. Would Ryan have ever told me this himself? The man from his colorful past is massively different to the kind one who cared for me last night. I want to cry—I want to curl back up in a ball in my bed and allow everything I’ve heard to sink in.

My phone is on the side of the counter, and it starts ringing at that moment. We both look at it but make no move to answer it. Amy cranes her neck over to look.

“It’s Ryan.” Her eyes go wide.

My hand slides over the counter, almost on instinct, and picks it up. I answer.