Two years later
“Damn, she’s hot.” While sipping on my first beer of the night, I turn my head in the direction of my friend Erec’s object of lust. The bar is crowded, but I know instantly who he’s talking about.
“Out of your league, I’m afraid,” I tell him with a smirk. The long-legged brunette sitting alone at the bar would eat him for breakfast, given half the chance. She needs a real man like me. Not that I’m one to brag or anything…well, yes, actually I am, but I can back it up with numerous testimonies, if required.
“I’m not worthy of anyone’s affections when you’re around, Gawain. They see you and that’s it…the rest of us don’t exist. Why don’t you play wing man for the night? Give me a chance, and your dick a rest.”
“What is this rest you speak of? I’ve never heard of it. My dick is always ready to go. That’s why I’m known as the champion of women.”
“Very funny.” Erec rolls his eyes at me.
“Let’s tag team her. Take turns and give her the night of her life,” I suggest.
“You are overly confident,” my friend responds.
“I’m just being real. She’ll definitely spread her legs for us. Don’t worry about that.” I place my empty beer glass down on the table we’re sitting at and get to my feet. “You coming?”
Erec nods his agreement and with him beside me, we prowl through the bar toward our prey. She must sense something because as we approach, she looks up and stares at us with her mocha eyes wide open.
“Hi,” she squeaks when I move in front of her while Erec slides behind, and both of us crowd her with our domineering presence.
“Hi,” I reply, and her cheeks turn pink when Erec leans down beside her ear, and in his deep masculine tone breathes his greeting into it. For all my teasing, Erec is as much of a player as I am.
“I’m Gawain, and this is my friend Erec, can we get you a drink?” I nod toward the bartender who instantly heads my way. He knows me well.
“I…er…yeah…um…white wine please.” Our soon to be toy stumbles over her words. I don’t need to reach into the lacy panties I’m sure she’s wearing to know she’s wet already. I can smell her desire—it’s radiating off her like a massive beacon flashing ‘fuck me’.
“Glass of your best white and two beers, please,” I ask the bartender, and he disappears to fetch the drinks. “So, are you going to tell us your name?”
“Lunete,” the woman replies. Her voice is full of trepidation despite the calm exterior she’s trying but failing to portray.
“Nice name.” Erec responds, placing his hand on the woman’s shoulder, and her chest hitches on a sudden breath.
“After my mother’s best friend.”
“Cool,” I reply and take my beer from the bartender when he returns with the drinks, and Erec does the same. Wrapping our lips around the necks of our bottles, we both take a long sip, and then tip our heads back to swallow the amber liquid.
“Fuck,” Lunete mumbles loud enough for us to hear. She picks up her wine and takes a large gulp.
“So, Lunete,” I say, lowering myself down to her eye level where she’s sitting on the high bar stool. Her long legs are crossed over at the knees and the silver sparkly sandals on her feet, perfectly accentuate the black dress she’s wearing. “Ever had two men at once?”
“No.” The wineglass shakes in her hand.
“Want to?” Erec asks this time.
“Yes,” Lunete replies without looking up at us. Her focus remains intent on the wineglass as Erec comes around to stand beside me.
“Lunete, if you want my dick pumping hard into your tight pussy, and Erec’s dick either choking you or in your asshole, then you are going to have to look at us and tell us you want it.”
“I hope she chooses the ass, so we can bring her to the best orgasm of her life,” Erec chuckles, and Lunete gulps down another large sip of her wine. It gives her the courage she needs, and she looks directly at us. Her eyes as dark as a stormy night.
“I want you both.” Her words leave no doubt as to her willingness, and Erec and I immediately place our beers down. I don’t need to pay for them. The bartender will add it to my tab, which my boss and uncle, Arthur, will pick up. I take Lunete’s wine and put it down on the bar.
“I want you fully aware of everything that’s about to happen to you. No getting drunk.”
“Ok.” She pushes to her feet while she speaks, and Erec and I each take one of her hands and lead her from the bar.