He places the needle down and picks up what looks like a scanner. This is confirmed when he passes the hand-held equipment over the area where he injected the tracker, and it beeps a few times.
“Working. You can take her,” the doctor informs the two men who took me from right outside my front door. They pull the cuffs off me and remove my legs from the stirrups. I know I should try and fight them, but I’ve lost all my energy. My arm where the tracker was inserted and also between my legs are hurting badly. I feel dizzy from the sheer emotion of everything that’s happening. I allow myself to be dragged from the room and down a long, dark corridor toward a carved, wooden oak door. It’s ornate and a sign of the money that’s floating around this place. The men pause, and one of them knocks. When we receive a call to enter, I’m pulled into the room and deposited on the floor. Looking up, I see the boss of the outfit sitting behind a large desk with a leer still on his face.
“Welcome, Megan Ragnell. I have someone who would like to inspect you. Please stand up.”
I don’t move.
The boss lets out a long exhale of breath.
“As you can see, she isn’t broken. Full of spirit.”
“I like them that way,” replies a masculine voice from the shadows, sending shivers down my spine. The accent isn’t Swedish, it’s American and laced with intentions I know will break me. “Virgin?”
“Yes.” The boss gets up from his chair and comes around to me. He twists his hands in my long blonde hair and pulls me to my feet.
“American size ten—I like some meat on a girl. Breasts are thirty-four B. Could be bigger—I like something to play with. Turn her around.” The man in the shadows continues to assess me. “Damn that ass gets me hard. Rounded and will pink up nicely.”
“Would you like a demonstration?” the boss asks.
“One hit won’t hurt.”
I scream out when I’m hit so forcefully on my backside I nearly fly forward. The slap of flesh resonates throughout the room.
“Stunning,” the man in the shadows proclaims. “What is you’re asking price for her? The real price, not the one where you have me trying to negotiate it down for ages. I’m not in the mood for that. I need to get my dick wet, and she’s perfect.”
“Virgin. Good body. No imperfections. She’s from good breeding, judging from the information we have gathered so far and considering where we took her from. I would say twenty million, at least,” the boss announces as he drops me back down to my knees.
“No pussy is worth twenty million unless it comes with blue blood,” the voice in the shadows argues.
“Fair point,” the boss concedes. “If you want to take her now and not let me put her to auction where I could get more, then I’ll need at least fifteen million.”
The room goes silent except for the sound of my heart beating loudly in my ears.
“Done.” The man finally agrees the deal, and it occurs to me he’s bought me, and I haven’t even seen him, yet.
“Excellent. And how will you pay?”
A black suitcase is thrown forward from the darkness. The boss picks it up and opens it. It’s full of cash.
“An excellent choice.” The case is handed to one of the men who took me captive. “Count it.”
We all stand in silence as the money is checked.
“It’s all there, boss.”
“Fantastic. You may take her with you. It was a pleasure doing business.” I’m pulled to my feet again and dragged forward to the figure emerging from the shadows. “Megan, meet your owner M,” the boss informs me, and I stand perfectly still when a tall man appears. He’s muscular and looks as if he could squash me like a fly. He’s handsome, but his eyes scare me—they look dead. There’s nothing in them except a hint of his dark desires, and I know right then…I won’t survive him.