“Just not when we’re having sex,” William adds.
I can’t help but let laughter engulf me. It’s needed.
“What?” William huffs, not realizing the bluntness of his words. “That’s just a no-no.”
“I promise. My mother will shut her eyes when we’re having sex.”
I pull myself up from his chest, so I can bring my lips to his.
Victoria’s hammering on my bedroom door while at the same time she’s shouting in a shrill voice.
“Are you decent? I’m coming in.”
William jumps up off the bed and stands beside it with his hand cupped hard over his manhood.
“She’s not getting my balls.”
“Victoria, I said you’re not going.” Nicholas’ stern tones come through the door next.
“Fuck you,” Victoria responds and without waiting for me to invite her in, she opens the door and storms in. She grabs my discarded jeans and jumper from the previous day and throws them at me.
“Put them on.”
“Victoria, I said no.” Nicholas grabs her arm while trying to reason with her.
“And I told you to fuck off with the rules and regulations. I don’t give a shit about them, right now. All I care about is seeing him arrested,” Victoria adamantly spits words at her husband.
“She consented,” William mutters from the other side of the bed to the warring husband and wife.
“What?” Victoria turns toward her brother-in-law and screws her tiny little nose up in confusion.
“Tamara consented. It was mutual between us. You can’t have me arrested,” William protests his case, and I open my mouth to agree with him.
Victoria shakes her head, though, “I’m not having you arrested, you great lummox. Whatever you did to Tamara left her with the same goofy look on her face Nicholas gets after I suck his dick. I knew she was happy and had consented. No, this is about my father. Our father.”
I shuffle gingerly forward in the bed.
“What about him?”
“I don’t know all the details, but the police are going to bring him in for questioning.” Victoria makes a hurrying motion with her hands, and I pull my jumper on over the clean nightdress William put me in last night.
“On what charges? My mother’s murder?”
“We don’t know,” Nicholas replies and quickly turns around to give me privacy when Victoria pulls the covers away from the lower half of my body. “All I know is that the police are on the way to bring him in for questioning on a matter of importance. The fact they are going to collect him and not allow him to surrender himself at a police station, suggests it’s likely to be for a criminal offense of a serious nature.”
“Yes, it will be.” I hold my breath, not daring to believe that maybe the Viscount actually made a mistake when he killed my mother and will be charged with her murder.
“Do we have my mother’s letter and DNA evidence? We might need to present it to strengthen the case.”
“It’s in safekeeping. If it comes to it, I’ll make sure it finds its way into police hands,” Nicholas confirms.
“Put some shoes on,” Victoria interrupts. “We don’t have much time, and I don’t want to miss this.”
“Miss what?” William asks the question also on my mind.
“Duh!” Victoria rolls her eyes and throws my trainers at me, narrowly missing my head. “Seeing my father get arrested. We’re going to Hamilton Manor. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”