Chapter Twenty
The sheets are twisted around my legs, and I kick out to free them. The friction between my thighs causes me to moan with the pain I feel down there, and I shift carefully, knowing I’m going to feel tender for a few days. The bed next to me dips, and I open my eyes to see William.
“Water and painkillers. You’ll need them.”
I groan and close my eyes again. Memories of the day before flood back: my mother’s death, seeing her body in the morgue so broken and bruised, and being chased and caught by William in the forests of the Oakfield estate. My shoulder hurts from where he sunk his teeth into the flesh there, and I’m not looking forward to peeing because my lady parts are so sore, even the flats of my feet feel torn apart.
“Why do you have to have such a big dick?” I pout, needing to distract myself from my mother’s death. If I let the grief overwhelm me, I won’t be able to channel the anger I have into destroying Viscount Hamilton.
“I was born with it.” William chuckles, and I hear him place the water and tablets down before wrapping his arms around my shoulders and pulling me up in the bed.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch.” I squirm and open my eyes to glare at him.
“Stop being a baby.” He opens my mouth, pops the tablets in, and hands me the water to help swallow.
“A baby!” I cough as one of them gets stuck in my throat. I hate taking medicine.
“Yes.” He raises his eyebrow.
“You want me to tell Victoria you called me that?” I retort with a smug smirk on my face. “I swear she’s going to go after your balls today. I can’t believe she saw you carrying me back to my room!”
William grumbles and gets to his feet to take a sip from a cup of a coffee he must have brought for himself along with the water for me.
“I’ll get Nicholas to give her stronger sedatives next time. I like my balls where they are.”
I laugh and then realize the words he chose.
“There will be a next time?”
William stops drinking midway with his cup to his mouth. He places it down on my bedside table and climbs into the bed with me. He shifts me effortlessly, like a rag doll to his needs, so I’m sitting across his lap. Part of me likes it, but part of me wishes he wasn’t all toned and muscular. I need a softer cushion similar to the memory foam mattress I’ve been sleeping on. He must sense my discomfort and tucks me into his side instead.
“Do you want another time?”
“Not right now, but yes.”
“Ok, we’ll do it again, but no sex for you until your fully healed. I’ll just have to stick my dick in your mouth for now.”
I must stare at him blankly because a mischievous smirk crosses his face.
“Only if we both agree and consent,” I retort as he kisses the tip of my nose and says,
I lean into his chest, listening to the beat of his heart.
“How are you feeling?” William questions and fresh tears prick in my eyes. I shouldn’t be this happy when I have my mother’s funeral to arrange.
“Numb, I think. I’m happy I’m here with you, but I still can’t believe she’s gone. My mother, my beautiful, wonderful, caring Mummy. I’ll never get to speak to her again. Who will I ask for advice?”
“She’ll still be there for you if you need her.”
“Something my brother told me when our mother died. I was upset because I needed her, having fallen over and scraped my knee. I cried for her to help me. My father got frustrated and stormed off, but Nicholas kneeled down next to me and told me that if I ever needed my mother, I just had to talk to her. She was an angel and although I’d never get to see her again, she was always there for me because angels were allowed to walk the Earth to help those they love. I stifled my tears and started talking out loud, asking her to take the pain away. It may have been the wind, but I’m almost certain I felt her blow on my knee, and it immediately stopped hurting.”
“That’s beautiful. I’ve always believed something similar. I’ll miss her every day.” My voice cracks, and William squeezes me a little tighter to him. “But I know she’s here with me.”