Page 27 of Fighting the Lies


“Where’s my lunch babe?” Emma raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the male lion currently stretched out on the sofa. She held a bowl full of left over pork curry from last night’s dinner. It had been a new recipe for Tyler and had gone down well with shifters who didn’t really know what spice was.

“In the fridge.” She replied and curled up on her favourite chair. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested the bowl on top of them. The fragrant gravy smell was delicious and was making her mouth water. She took a mouthful and moaned with pleasure.

“Can I have a mouthful of yours?” Scott appeared in her line of sight. He actually got to his feet which he didn’t normally do and crouched in front of her.

“There is more in the fridge. Get your own.” She huffed and took another bite.

“But the fridge is in the other room; the kitchen, it’s so far away. Twenty metres at least and then I have to find a bowl and cutlery cause you chicks always move them about. After that, I have to spoon all the curry into the bowl and put it in the microwave to warm up. That will take at least five minutes. All the time, I have to be standing.” He pouted at her. He was a full grown male lion and was actually pushing his lips out like a toddler having a tantrum.

“Tough.” She grinned. Lazy arse man. Sexy arse man. No don’t think that thought. Her core agreed with a pool of heat developing.

“You’re so mean. I’m wasting away.” He pulled his shirt up and revealed his toned abs. “Look, that was an eight pack this morning. It’s only six now, because my muscle is eating itself.”

“You’re lucky it’s still a six pack given you’ve done nothing but lay on the sofa all morning. Especially after you had four servings of the curry last night. There is cream in it you know.” She teased.

“I’ve not just sat on the sofa. I read a book on the sofa. I rolled off it ten times just to check my hair. That was exercise.”

“I fought with Brayden and Tyler for two hours and then cleaned my room. After that, I hit the gym for an hour. I deserve the food.” This was how it was between them, always. They fought, but it was always playful, never malicious. He was bone-idle, and she couldn’t stand being still for more than a minute. He was literary and had read every book they had in Kas’ library in the short time he’d been with them. She, on the other hand, had an audible account stocked with the latest thriller novels, which she listened to while running. They were complete opposites, so why was she on the verge of giving him her curry. She should tell him to get off his lazy arse and get his own food but no. She wanted to give it to him. What would he think if she actually fed him? She bet he would like that.

“Seriously, I never understood why you guys always insist on practicing this fighting stuff. It’s stupid. Nothing can prepare you for a real fight. Save your energy.”

“We practice to develop new moves.” She rolled her eyes.

“Punch, punch, punch. That is all you need.”

She just shook her head.

“You’re not going to leave me alone until I give you my food, are you?”

“Why would I do that?” He looked genuinely confused.

“Because this is my food and I’m hungry.”

“So am I.” He flicked his wrists as if to say so what.

She handed him the bowl and placed her head on her knees. If she didn’t go all girly around him and have an instinct that told her she needed to care for him, this would all be so much easier.

She’d been dreaming again. Not that she was aware she’d even fallen asleep. All that she remembered of returning from court was Scott’s face as the tranquilisers took over his body. He’d been so full of remorse and sorrow. He’d felt that he’d failed her when there was nothing he could have done in the first place. The trial was fixed. She was guilty all along and never had a hope of being found innocent. She just hoped her death would be quick and that Scott would be able to move on without her in his life. She rubbed her eyes and splashed a little of the fresh water in her cell over her face to freshen up. Her face felt sore from all the crying she’d done. She settled back down on the uncomfortable bed and pulled the itchy blanket over her. At least she’d only have to endure this for another two days. It might even be less than that now. She didn’t have a clock, and there was no daylight, so she wasn’t really sure what time of day it was. Footsteps echoed in the corridor outside her room. She stood; the sudden thought hitting her that maybe she had slept for two days. What if they were coming for her? Her hand’s trembled. She hadn’t said goodbye to anyone. Scott. She wanted one last kiss with him.

The door creaked open, and her brother appeared.

“Good morning, sister. I trust you slept well down here with vermin just like you.” He chuckled at his own joke. She didn’t find it all that amusing.

“How long have I been asleep?” She asked.

“Only a few hours. It’s the middle of the night. I couldn’t sleep.” He answered

“Guilty conscience?” She offered.

“Far from it. Frustrated that I have to wait two days to be finally rid of you.”

“What did I ever do to you make you hate me? Until I came here, I never even knew you existed, so it can’t have been much. Is this really just some elaborate power trip?” What was this man’s problem with her? His ego was over inflated. He was just like her father but worse. She sat back down on the bed not bothering to give him the respect of standing to listen to his rant.

“You’re breathing. That’s what you are doing to annoy me. It’s always been you no matter what.” He spat through the bars at her.

“Always been me?”