Page 28 of Fighting the Lies

“Yes. Our father never stopped talking about the daughter he lost. He kept an eye on you in Glacial Blood pack. He knew how strong a fighter you’d become and what an integral part of the team you were. I was always the disappointment. I inherited our mother’s physique not father’s. I didn’t have the strength to fight as well as you did. I was always the disappointment to him. It’s a shame that he didn’t see me for the smart lion I am. The one that makes alliances with those who will be in power.” He stood there with a look that was supposed to radiate superiority, but to her, it just looked pathetic.

“It doesn’t matter what your physique is. If you work hard you can achieve anything. That is the only reason I fight the way I do; I practice.”

“I don’t need to practice. I’m Alpha, the King. I’m perfect as I am.” He interrupted her with an outburst that showed just how deluded he was.

“I always remember mother spending part of the day with me, despite her duties. She would play dolls with me and do my hair. When I came to Glacial Blood, my adoptive mother did the same. We spent time with Jane and her son Brayden. We had tea parties together with my dolls and his stuffed snow leopard. She died when you were born, so who did that with you?” She tilted her head up to face him.

“What are you on about?” He questioned.

“Who gave you maternal love?”

“The lionesses did, of course. That’s what they were there for. They played with me. I’d tell them what I wanted, and they would do it. We played chase and pouncing. I’m not some geek who sat and had tea parties.” He snorted derision at her.

“It figures; you have no compassion. No heart that only a maternal figure can give. The lionesses would do as you asked because they were in fear of being married off if they didn’t. They were scared of losing their homes, because our father was a malicious dictator who only wanted to use women for what he could breed out of them.” She rose to her feet and was moving into his personal space as much as she could with bars separating them. Her voice was low and steady. “That’s why you are taking the cowardly way out now and killing the only woman who could show you some sort of love.”

“Shut up.” He pushed back against her. “You know nothing. I was a prince amongst those lionesses. They did whatever I wanted. I fucked them as soon as I got old enough, and they are with me now.”

“Through fear not respect.”

“I’m their Alpha. They respect me.”

“Delusion. The whole thing. If you had come to me and told me who you really were, I would have loved, you. I wanted a brother. Another part of our mother who I could protect.” She slammed her fist into the bar. “I’m just as much at fault for this. I should have gone back. I was selfish staying with Kas and Brayden. He corrupted you.” A tear dropped from her eye and splashed onto the floor. She mourned the loss of the brother she could have had.

“You will never be my sister. You’re not even a Bryant. Tomorrow, you will die. I’ll stand there and cheer. I’ll be the last Bryant standing, and I’ll make this pack great. I’ll wash away the sins of you, my mother, and our father. Iwillrule. I’ll let you into a little secret.” He leant forward. “I know it wasn’t you who killed him. How Nuka and Ciaran got the prints on the sword I don’t know. I don’t know who did strike the final blow, but when I find out, I’ll thank them as they solved two problems for me. Goodbye sister, I hope your death on the end of a rope is long and painful. Whereas, my rule will be long and profitable.” She turned her head away towards the end of her brother’s rant. He was a little boy lost, beyond saving maybe. He believed that Nuka would make him great. Far from it, Nuka was just like her father. Once you were no longer useful, you were dispensable, and that meant only one thing. Death.