Page 21 of Fighting the Lies


"That is a complete fabrication." Scott watched as Kas slammed his hand on the table. Emma stood in the dock, head bowed low. Gone was the flush of their sexual encounter, replaced with the ashen colour of dread. After returning to the mansion last night, they reviewed all the evidence again to try to find any holes in it, but there was nothing. Instead, they all sat in the Court at the Reichstag today, trying to fight for Emma’s life.

“Her prints are all over the sword. What more proof do you need?” Phillip was acting as the prosecution, while Kas was the defence.

“The prints were not placed there by Emma. On the day that her father died, she and Brayden Dillon were on an assignment for me. They were up in the mountains, over Glacial Park, tracking a known feral who had trespassed onto our land. That shifter now resides in the dungeons below. You will have documentation to prove this.” Kas stepped up towards the jury with his argument. The panel before him was made up in a similar way to a normal human jury; well except, they were shifters from all over the world. The eclectic mix swamped Scott’s senses when he first walked in. There were carnivores: a lion, a cheetah, a brown bear, some strange smelling fox cross weasel thing, and then, the primates: a gorilla, a couple of gibbons–man do they look like lanky humans–the winged animals made up the rest, with an owl as the head juror and a golden eagle as his sidekick. They were a motley crew and held Emma’s life in their hands. Kas placed his hands on the carved oak bench that protected the jury from the rest of the public. His imposing presence had the gibbons before him shuffle back a bit. “Fingerprints on a sword can be faked in so many different ways. Especially if you have magic to hand.”

“What are you suggesting.” Phillip thumped the desk this time. “Objection!”

“Sustained. Mr Lincoln, you have no proof to suggest that magic was used.” The judge, a middle aged jaguar, ruled.

“And you have no proof to suggest that it wasn’t.” Kas argued back. “I want this trial adjourned, until we can rule this out.”

Phillip smirked. It was a twist of his lip that sent bile shooting into the back of Scott’s throat. Something was happening; his heart sunk when Ciaran stepped forward.

“I’m the magical advisor for the counsel, Ciaran Dunaid.”

“I’m aware of who you are, Mr Dunaid. Everyone here is.” The judge rolled his eyes.

“Apologies, Milord. I have studied the sword in great detail, and I can confirm that there is no magic upon it. The fingerprints can only have been made by a person holding the sword.”

“He’s lying,” Kas interjected. “Mr Bryant and Mr Dunaid are associates via my brother Nuka Lincoln. This evidence cannot be included. I demand it struck off the record and the sword re-examined at once.”

The judge pursed his lips in thought. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table. Scott sat forward on his chair, his breath held in anticipation. If Kas could delay the trial, they would have more time to clear Emma’s name.

“Bring me Ethern Lennox.” Scott exhaled. Ethern, who had been watching the trial, came down to the bar.

“Milord.” He presented a respectful bow.

“I want you to examine the sword, here and now. This trial is to be concluded today.” The judge instructed.

“It may take me a while to do the investigation properly.” Ethern had cottoned on to Kas’ delaying tactic and would do all that he could to help.

“You have fifteen minutes.” The judge banged his hammer on the desk and stood up. “I will return then. Nobody is to leave this room. You?” He pointed to a guard. “Ensure that happens.” The guard sprung to his feet and blocked the door. Emma, who had been standing the entire time, slumped down on the chair behind her. She looked up at him.

“I love you.” He pushed into her head. “It will be alright.”

She wiped away a small tear, which fell.

“I know. And I’m going to hold you to that prolonged naked time, when it does.”

They both looked towards Ethern where he was running his hands over the sword. Brayden, who was sitting next to him in the stands, dug his elbow into his ribs.

“Stay out of her head. That guy over there will be listening for any conversations of that sort. It is what he is here for.” The snow leopard offered the piece of advice. “If they can’t trust Emma to obey the rules, they will magically bind her.

Scott nodded. Over Brayden’s shoulder, he caught sight of Jessica. Her eyes had gone white.

“What is happening?”

Brayden just shook his head, as if to tell him to ignore what he’d seen.

Selene let out a little gasp. Brayden grabbed her hand and squeezed it tighter. Jessica and Selene were performing magic. One protecting the other from being spotted. What were they doing?

Brayden motioned towards the sword and winked.

Scott turned his attention back to where Ethern was examining it. It was then that he saw it. A subtle change but one of the multi-shifters eyes was different; so different that it was in fact the same colour as Jessica’s. She was in the councilmen’s body somehow and examining the sword with him. Fuck, his mates were good.

The judge returned and banged his gavel.