“Why that dirty scumbag! First me then Emma. When I get my hands on him, I’ll tear him apart.” Selene turned red with fury.
“It’s ok, honey; he’ll get his. I think we need to concentrate on finding Scott now. He’s going to want a piece of Nuka, if the bear touches one hair on Emma’s head. “
“He’ll be livid. They’re virtually mates since they slept together.” Selene responded.
“They slept together? When.” Kas replied.
“Oops.” The multi-shifter looked at Jessica for guidance.
“It was the night before her trial. Scott asked us to take him back to Emma. He needed to prove to her that he loved her. Selene and I provided magical cover.” Jessica offered as explanation.
“After what happened with Ciaran the first time he went in the cell, I told you that nobody was to go back.” Kas was angry at them.
“We had to try for him.” Selene added.
“We shall discuss disobeying my orders later. For now, you two go and find Scott. Don’t let him go after Nuka on his own. We need a plan. Jessica and I’ll work on that. Just tell him to come back here.”
“We’ll do our best, but you know that when he sees red there will be little we can do.” Brayden offered up in response.
“Selene is magical. Use that. Just don’t fall into Ciaran’s traps.”
“We’ll be as quick as we can.” Selene placed her hand on Brayden. Her skin turned green, and they both disappeared.
“We need to get planning.” Kas came and sat back down at the desk. “Where is she?”
“Your mother’s old room at Nuka’s mansion.” In a time when Nuka was not as deranged as he was now, the packs had visited each other. Nuka’s house had been a second retreat for his and Kas’ mother and father. Jessica had instantly recognized the room that Emma was in. The lady of the house’s boudoir. The Lincolns had always been old fashioned in their etiquette. Unfortunately, that often meant that women were little more than chattels to them. Kas was the first one to see them as equals. Nuka would use a secret passage to visit Emma. He would give her her own household as long as she performed for him. If they failed, she would be safe as long as Ciaran didn’t find out about the baby. The baby. Damn it. She hadn’t told Kas the most important bit.
“That’s easy to get into. It’s getting out. He needs to think that she escaped…”
“Emma’s pregnant.” She interrupted.
“She was terrified when she called me. Nuka’s threatened her so much that she would not leave with me because of her fear of repercussions against you. She asked me to take her womb so that he would not be able to breed with her. She was sacrificing herself for the fight.” Jessica shuffled on the chair. She couldn’t believe she was actually going to do that.
“You agreed to do it?” Kas’ dark eyes bore into her.
“I couldn’t see an alternative at the time. We have so little time. Nuka could be coming for her as we speak.”
“It’s ok. I was just shocked. I know that you felt you were doing what was right.” Kas reached out across the table and stroked her arm.
“I started to perform the spell, but then, I heard the heartbeat of the baby. It is only a few days old but is strong. Ciaran has not sensed it, yet, but when he does, he will kill it.”
“We can’t wait for Brayden and Selene to get Scott. We have to get her out now.” Kas thrust the chair back and strode purposely towards the door. “We’ll get the rest of the pack and go now.” She jumped up and followed him. “I will deal with the consequences later.”
He pulled the door open, the heavy oak almost falling off the hinges. Tyler stood the other side.
“We’ve got a problem.” The wolf looked shocked as Kas had almost mown him down.
“Can you deal with it?” Kas ran his hand through his hair and pushed past Tyler down the corridor.
“Trespasser, a lion.” Tyler continued. Normally, Kas liked to deal with the trespasser as they always had a purpose, and if they didn’t, they were feral, and he didn’t want any of the pack to be judge, jury, and executioner.
“Tyler, I don’t have time for this at the moment. I need to help Emma. She’s in big trouble.”
“Then, I think you really need to come and see who we have in the basement.” Kas stopped his passage towards the front of the house. He detoured into the kitchen. Jessica followed along with Tyler. They descended the stairs into the basement at a rapid pace. What was going on? She could feel her heart beating faster and faster.
“I see your hospitality to intruders hasn’t improved Kaskae.” A middle-aged woman spoke from the cell. Even though she should have every right to be angry at being locked up, if she was a friend of the pack, she spoke in soft waves. “I like it. At least I know I’m safe here. Kas let out a long exhalation and put his hand against a nearby table to steady himself. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” The woman laughed.
“I think I have.”
The woman suddenly seemed remorseful.
“Is it true then?” Tyler asked.
“Yes.” Kas replied.
“Is what true? What’s going on?” Jessica was thoroughly confused. Who was this woman?
“Jessica, I’d like to introduce you to Isabella Bryant. Emma’s mother.”