Page 37 of Fighting the Lies


Jessica landed back in her bedroom in the Glacial Blood mansion. She felt sick; no she was going to be sick. She jumped over a pile of magical books on the floor and ran into her bathroom. The spotless white bathroom was far too bright for the migraine developing in her head. She pulled up the toilet seat and emptied the contents of her stomach. Emma was pregnant. She’d almost removed her womb. Scott was conned into being a breeding tool for Nuka’s pack, and at the same time, Emma was also going to be forced to do the same. She wiped her mouth, flushed the toilet, and gave her teeth a quick brush. She still felt sick, but the headache was holding itself at bay. She needed to find Kas. They didn’t have much time.

She went back through her room and stepped over another pile of books, these were volumes on mythological creatures. She really needed a book case. She was down the stairs and heading towards Kas’ office in seconds. She didn’t bother to knock.

“Kas?” She opened the door. The polar bear was at his desk with a mound of papers on it. He was looking through the evidence again. It was futile. She knew that now.

“Are you alright?” He looked up at her and his big brown eyes immediately swam with worry.

“Emma called me.”

“What’s wrong.” He was on his feet. “I was told the execution was not happening today. I tried to see her but was denied.

“That’s because she isn’t in prison anymore.”

“What?” confusion clouded Kas’ face.

“She’s at Nuka’s mansion.” Jessica took a seat at the desk, still feeling ill, but the adrenaline of the situation was starting to course through her veins.

“What the fuck is she doing there? What’s going on?” Kas thumped the table, and the pile of paper scattered everywhere.

“She’s to be married.” The words floated off her lips in a barely audible sound.

Kas slumped back down into his seat. The mechanisms of the old fashioned office chair spinning under his defeated weight. “Nuka?”


They sat in silence while Jessica let him get his temper under control. They both knew that a raging polar bear was the last thing that would help anyone now. They needed the calm and level-headed Kas, the one who saw his pack as part of his blood family and would do anything to protect them, because he was a mastermind, a genius in the field of battle.

“She was released into her brother’s care, and he sold her Nuka to bind the packs.” He surmised.

“She didn’t tell me the full details. All she said was that she was to be married and mated by the end of the day. Nuka plans to use her to breed an army.” Jessica rang her hands together in her lap.

“Just as he wants to do with Scott. Two strong lions. The best of the breeds. We’ll have no hope of defeating him.”

“It might be worse than you think?” A thought from her past relationship with Ciaran entered her head. He couldn’t have discovered it could he. He’d been trying, but nothing had worked. It was one of the reasons that she’d left him. His magic was taking a dark path, which she couldn’t follow. That and the fact she’d caught him fucking another pupil over his desk. The sick feeling twisted again in her stomach. She had loved Ciaran. She’d seen her whole life being with him, but that day everything died. Never would she submit to a man’s affection again.

“What?” Kas had come around the table while she was reflecting and was rubbing her back. She gave him a smile of gratitude.

“When I was with Ciaran, he was working on a potion to accelerate growth into adulthood. He tried it out on mice. The results were pretty gruesome, and I felt for the innocent creatures tortured by the spells he wove. His concoctions were getting better. The last one, before I left him, didn’t destroy the animal’s physique as much as the others.

“Do you think that he might have perfected the potion?”

“It’s been a while since I was with him. The one thing about Ciaran is his determination. If he want’s something bad enough, he won’t stop until he gets it.” She thought ruefully that was how he had worn her down in the end.

“I suspected something. Scott’s ancestry is such that he will create a strong child. I believe that he does not fully understand the strength that he wields. He just knows that his blood is one of the purest for a Barbary lion. Plus, he’s a lazy bugger.”

“We need to get him out of there before he starts mating.”

“We do.” Kas went to the door and shouted at the top of his voice for Brayden and Selene. The love birds appeared within seconds. Jessica couldn’t help but feel for them. They should be on honeymoon, but instead, they were fighting for the lives of their friends.

“What do you need boss?” Brayden flexed his arm muscles. Even though it was winter, he still only wore a thin t-shirt. Selene was wrapped up warm in a figure hugging polo neck jumper and jeans. “I want you to go and drag Scott from wherever he is and bring him back to Glacial Blood.”

“That’s not exactly the easiest task you’ve ever gave us.” Brayden frowned.

“It will be when you tell him that he was double crossed by Nuka. He commuted her death sentence to one even more heinous. Marriage to the man himself.”

“Emma is to marry Nuka?”