Page 29 of Fighting the Lies


Scott placed the last remaining T-shirt of his rock stars’ collection into his duffel bag and zipped it up. He’d learned at a young age to not get caught up in possessions. The T-shirts were the way he expressed himself, and they went with him everywhere. Mind you, he probably wouldn’t be needing clothes for the next few months. Not with the whole becoming a breeding resource for Nuka’s lionesses and any other shifters they wanted to experiment with. He’d never understand how woman could do that. Open their legs for him to have his five minutes of grunting, so they could pop a baby out after a gestation of almost four months. Recover from that for a few weeks and then repeat the process. It was sick, but apparently, Nuka had twenty willing volunteers waiting for his return.He wasn't going to give these ladies a good time. Nuka had already warned him that he had to perform the task himself. There would be no artificial insemination, but he was damned if he was going to enjoy the act. He would masturbate until the vital moment, sink himself deep, cum, and then withdraw. If the woman wasn't prepared, it was her problem if she got hurt.

A knock at the door brought him out of his annoyance at the situation he was in.

"Scott?" Selene's delicate voice called out. He placed the duffel bag over his shoulder and opened the door. "Are you alright? Brayden told me that he's let you go?" The tiny multi-shifter hadn't been with them long, but during the time she had, she'd developed a close friendship with them all, especially Emma.

"Nuka is still alive, as far as I know."

"That wasn't what I was asking." She blushed and looked over his shoulder at the bag.

"Why do you have that?"

"I'm leaving." He pushed past her and took the stairs at a quick pace.

"Scott, what's going on?" She called out after him. He continued his descent. "Scott!"

The others appeared from in the lounge. Damn it, he was hoping to sneak out without having to explain himself. They would have Emma back. That’s all they needed to know.

"What's going on?" Kas headed up the inquisition.

"He's going to do something stupid. That's his travel bag. Emma told me she buried it at the bottom of his wardrobe when he decided to stay here." Scott turned and glared at her. He wondered who'd tidied his room up and had unpacked. He hadn't been fully decided on what he was going to do, but the unpacked suitcase had made his mind up for him. Damn interfering woman. Then, his heart skipped a beat. She’d already been looking after him in those early days.

"Are you going somewhere?" Kas addressed him.

"I made a deal that will see Emma released. If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be." He was not going to debate this. The sooner he left, the sooner Emma would be back home.

Kas placed his large hand on his chest.

"What deal?"

"I don't have time to discuss it." He mustered up all of his strength, pushed past Kas, and straight into the solid wall that was Zain, Tyler, and Brayden.

"What did you agree with Nuka?" Brayden spoke through teeth gritted so tightly that the words were barely distinguishable.

"Nuka?" Kas exclaimed.

"I let him go. He hasn't been in his room all day." Brayden kept his eyes squarely focused on him rather than acknowledging the Alpha with his attention.

"You did what?" Tyler exclaimed this time.

"He made a valid point. If it was Selene, I wouldn't have hung around in the cage. I would have broken out to save her. I thought letting him out would create less mess and damage, but I have a feeling it’s just made him do something really stupid." Brayden looked at him in disappointment. He wouldn't feel regret for his decision, though, because it was the right thing. It saved Emma.

"What did you and my brother discuss?" Kas was behind him.

"I'm joining his pack." There was no point in trying to stop the inevitable now.

"You're what?" Jessica exclaimed in shock. "After everything he's done to Selene and Emma."

It was because of Emma that he was doing this.

“Look, I haven’t got time to discuss this. Go get Emma and forget me.” He was ready to push past the trio of males, standing in front of him, when a punch caught him in the side of the face. It was a delicate one but still had him flexing his jaw to alleviate the pain.

“You bastard. You’re going to walk out on her when she needs you most.” Katia, normally the most placid of the pack, swung again. “She doesn’t deserve you.”

“I’m doing this for her.” He spat back and stood up at full height to intimidate her to stop. That was the wrong thing to do. Zain grabbed him by the collar and effortlessly swung him across the floor. Lion versus a seven-foot bear built like the side of a house. Yeah, lion wasn’t going to win this one,but he was pissed and damn well going to try. He sprang back at Zain only to be caught by Brayden and swung straight into Tyler’s fist.

“If we have to knock some sense into you to get you to stay, we will.”