Page 30 of Fighting the Lies

“Let me go.” Scott punched Tyler and then kicked out at Brayden. Why wouldn’t they just let him go? It wasn’t as if he was really part of their pack. Emma was the important one. Zain latched on his ankles and like he was a rag doll held him mid-air.

“You’re going nowhere.” The bear’s thick eyebrows were furrowed with determination.

“Stop.” Kas ordered and Zain dropped Scott onto the floor.

“Damn, that hurt!” He rubbed his head.

“Why Nuka’s pack?” Kas questioned.

“Because he holds the key to Emma’s freedom. You said it yourself. He’s behind all this.”

Kas leant down in front of him.

“You will fight us if he orders?”

“I doubt I’ll be doing any fighting in the near future.” He joked then realised what he said.

“Explain?” Kas demanded.

“Just let me do this. Please Kas.” All that was left was for him to implore the polar bear to let him go.

“You mean something to Nuka. You’re a good fighter but not the best. He would only let Emma go if you were giving him something great. What is it?” Scott could see Kas working it through in his head. The polar bear ran his hand over his stubbled jawline, tickling at the side to help him think.

“He wants me to make up the numbers in his pack and weaken Glacial Blood as a result.” He was clutching at straws. Kas was smart. It was what Scott respected about him, and apart from Emma, the reason he decided to stay here. “That’s all that’s behind it.”

“You’re a Barbary lion.” Kas got back up to his feet and slammed his fist into a wall. “Damn it. Why didn’t I see it before? A Moroccan King.”

Scott collapsed down onto his back on the floor. He would never be able to leave now.

“You’re going to be a breeder for Nuka’s pack.” Kas stood over him, the imposing shadow casting him into the darkness of despair.

“What’s a Moroccan king?” Brayden asked.

“One of the strongest and best connected lions in the world. You’ve held back in the fighting.” Kas replied.

“I’m a lazy bugger and didn’t want to break a sweat.” He joked. Nobody laughed.

“Brayden, help him up.” Kas looked away in disgust.

The snow leopard held out his hand and assisted Scott onto his feet.

“I don’t want to do this, but there’s no other way. Emma will die tomorrow, if I don’t. I love her, Kas. If Nuka would accept me dying in her place, then I will. Get her out and get her safe. Please, please do this. She’s integral to this pack. You’ll need her.” He followed after Kas, as the polar bear strode purposefully through the corridors of the mansion towards his office. The others all followed behind him.

“You don’t get it, do you.?” Kas spun around to face him.

“What?” He asked.

“You’re integral as well. You complete her. Without you, she’ll be better off dead. No matter what happens, I will lose two members of my pack. Two friends.”

“I’m not essential to the fight. I’m just the joker, the lazy lion that frustrates everyone.” Emma was part of their family. He wasn’t. He was never meant to be part of a pack. He found a good bed to sleep in for a while, but they’d all get frustrated by his antics soon and kick him out anyway. This was for the best. He was a nomad. Travelling was what he did best.

“You walk out that door and you become our enemy. To stop Nuka’s egotistical plans, there will be deaths. If you are helping to prepare an army, then one will be yours.” Kas was deflated.

“I know but at least Emma will be home.”

Kas looked over his shoulder. The rest of the pack had formed a barrier to his escape.

“Let him go. If Scott’s heart isn’t here in the pack, we cannot stop him from leaving.” Kas opened his office door, stepped inside, and slammed it shut. Scott breathed out a sigh of relief. He would be able to save Emma.

“Please.” Katia stepped forward, tears pooled in her eyes.

“Look after her for me.” It was all he could say and pushed forward towards the door. The rest of the members of the pack parted to allow him through. None of them could look him directly in the eye. He could feel the small tethers of friendship he’d made breaking.

When he got outside and shut the door, he leaned back against it. He reminded himself he was doing this for Emma. He was saving the woman he loved. It was a small sacrifice to make. A tear slipped from his eye. He was crying. Where had that come from? It was then he realised he’d just walked out on his family and would never see them again. He may deny he was a part of the pack, but he loved each and everyone of them like blood. He turned and placed his hand on the door.
