“That’s not what I’m asking about,” he says, his gaze returning to Camilla.
“Oh…” I look with him. “I mean, it’s all moving so fast.”
“I can only imagine.”
We watch Bridget interrupt the conversation, pulling Camilla into a hug. She gestures back in our direction, pointing Seth out. Seth and Camilla exchange a wave and then…her eyes fall into mine.
I’ve learned she has a smile for me. I don’t know how I’ve just started noticing the closed lip smile that reaches her eyes, how it’sonly ever for me.
I smile, my chest puffing with pride.
My baby girl.
In all honesty, when we’re working, I try not to look at her because one look turns into staring, turns into salivating, turns into me begging to take her somewhere private so I can have my way with her, which, thankfully, her libido almost always finds amenable.
The sex was great before, but now it’s explosive. Every fucking time.
Great, now I’m thinking about it and getting a hard on. I rip my eyes from her and focus on Seth. Yep, that does the trick. Brings me back down to earth.
“In all honesty, I’m more excited about the baby than the café.”
Seth smiles. “I think that’s how it should be.” He looks down at his shoes. “It’s strange to feel that pull away from the life you’ve known for a while for someone else. I feel like I’ve always been working toward something. And then…”
He looks back at Bridget, love glinting in his eyes.
“So, what’s coming first? Wedding or baby shower?”
Seth jerks his head back in my direction. “Don’t you dare put that into the universe. Or get that in Bridget’s head.”
I snicker, give him a little kick on the ankle. “You’re thinking about it, though.”
“Of course, I’m thinking about it. We’re all thinking about it thanks to you, Jack.”
“Not my fault. Take that up with my dad.”
Speaking of my dad, he and Sonia left the twins with their nanny for the first time ever, so they were able to come alone. They’re standing, listening to the music, his hand low around her hip.
Seth laughs. “No, man, it’s way different. Your dad’s always beenthe dad. Meanwhile, you’re the first of us who is going to become a dad. It’s crazy. How time moves so fast.”
“Tell me about it,” I say. I haven’t even known Camilla for a year and here we are, preparing to have a child together. Not to mention running a business together too. We’re completely enmeshed. “When it’s right, it’s right. That’s all I can say.”
“I think Abigail’s taking bets on who will be next.”
“Of course, she is…” My little sister, the last one of us untethered, the one dedicated to her career, completely uninterested in settling down. Of course, she makes a game out of it. I can’t help but smile.
“Anyway, I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to keep you from, you know…the whole thing, but I did want to ask you something.”
Seth runs a hand through his hair nervously. Seth doesn’t run nervous. Not usual. The last time I saw him nervous was when he proposed to Bridget and that was in a public forum for all the world to see. Now, it’s just me and him. Surrounded by a bunch of other people, sure, but they’re all living their lives, enjoying Keiki. They’re not listening and watching.
“So, we’ve picked a date for the wedding,” Seth says.
“That’s great,” I reply, unsure where he’s going with this.
“We’re going to do it down in Key West at my family’s vacation home. Make a whole destination thing out of it.”
“That will be great.”