“Do it when the weather’s getting cold here, then we can all get away for a bit and your baby will be a few months old so then traveling isn’t–”
“Seth, dude, what’s your point?”
He sucks in his cheeks, then lets out a sigh. “I just wanted to know if you’d be my best man.”
I almost take a step back from the shock. “What?!Me?”
“Yeah, you. Idiot.”
I push him on the shoulder.
“Is that a no, or…?”
“No, of course, I’ll do it. But why me?”
“I don’t know, I just feel like with the Camilla thing, we’ve gotten way closer. I mean, we’ve always been close, but…”
I watch him for a few moments. “I get what you mean.” There’s a tie between us now. He saw something in her that he thought I needed. And I needed that and more. It’s a hinge between us.
“And, besides, picking between Mason and Nate could potentially cause World War three, so–”
My eyebrows jump. “Oh, so I’m third string.”
Seth groans. “You’re being difficult.”
I laugh. “I’m just giving you a hard time. Of course, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you,” he says, clutching his chest. “Damn, I’ve been freaking out about that all day.”
“What about your presentation?”
He waves a hand. “Eh.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
There’s a flash of pink in my periphery just a moment before I feel Camilla’s arms wrap around me. “Did you ask him?”
“Ask me what?” Seth replies.
I give her a nervous smile. “No, we kind of got sidetracked.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh, no. Well–”
Bridget rushes over, slamming into Seth, tears in her eyes. “Can you believe it?”
“You already asked her, huh?” I say with a look at Camilla.
She smiles haplessly. “Sorry, I got too excited.”
“What’s going on?” Seth asks.
I slide my hand onto Camilla’s belly. “Well, we thought maybe you’d be–”
“I already said yes,” Bridget says. “I’m sorry, I had to say yes.”
“Honey, let me hear what the question is!” Seth laughs.
Camilla and I exchange a glance. There’s an apology in her eyes. We were going to do this at a private dinner, but I can’t blame her excitement. That’s why we decided not to learn the gender and are waiting until the last month to talk about names becausewe know we won’t be able to keep that information to ourselves. We want everyone to revel in our excitement.