Page 111 of Until I Find You

“God, you’re so sexy.”

He rolls his eyes.

Oh, he thinks I’m joking.

Jack leans against the headrest. “I just want to do it right. You know I want to do it right.”

I run my fingers through his hair, and his eyelashes flutter like it turns him on. If only he knew what was going on inside me. “I know you do, Daddy.”

“We’re going to have to talk about how all that works too when I’m someone’s actual Daddy.”

“Youareactually my Daddy,” I reply with an air of “duh”.

Jack smiles. “Of course, I am, baby girl.”

Time slows as he reaches out to touch me. He places his hand against my stomach, spreads his fingers wide to touch as much of me as possible.

I’m throbbing. Need him. Want him.

Jack strokes his thumb against me.

“My baby girl’s having a baby.” His new catchphrase.

Images of the next seven months fly through my mind. Me growing, him worshipping me, taking care of me.

Dammit, now I’m really freaking horny. Is this a pregnancy thing? Now that I know, all the symptoms are slamming into me like a wall?

I put my hand over Jack’s. “Did you read about all the side effects of pregnancy last night while you were googling? Aside from the obvious growing a baby thing.”

“Of course, I did. I need to know how I’m going to take care of you.”

“All the aches and pains?”


“The mood swings.”

“Already experienced.”

I laugh and place my hand over his. “Weird cravings.”

“Modern media prepared me for that. And I am already prepared to run out of the house at one in the morning to go get you whatever ridiculous thing you need. Anything you need. Ever.”

“What about the libido?”

Jack’s brow quirks. “Whataboutthe libido?”

“Oh, you didn’t read?” I take his hand and slide it down my front, inch by inch. “Some women experience an increase in sexual desire. Possibly insatiable. Cured only by one thing.”

I settle his hand over the crotch of my pants and curl his fingers around me.

His jaw falls open. “Oh, my god, you’re so…hot.”

“And wet.”

Jack’s deep brown eyes, ones I hope our child has, meet mine. “And it’s okay?”

“To what? Have sex?”