Page 152 of Finding Delaware

“Good thing you’re a squirrelly motherfucker who can run.” Christian lowers the tailgate to grab out coolers of food. We set up camp, placing our chairs and supplies around the firepit. Salem starts to pull the tents out of the back of the truck when she stops short.

“Uh, guys? We have a problem.” Turning around, she dangles two bags from each hand. “There’s only two tents.”

“What? No, no.” Stepping up next to her, I peer into the back to see for myself. Sure as shit, it’s empty, other than the dirt bike. “What the hell?! Who was supposed to pack the other tents?”

“Three guesses.” Matt crosses his arms, throwing a look at his best friend, who groans and covers his face.

“Guys, I may have fucked up,” Xed mumbles into his palms, and I growl in frustration.

“Youarefucked up, dude! Seriously? What are we supposed to do with two tents?”

The truck door opens as Arya steps out dressed in a sports bra and leggings. “Hmm, I think since Christian and I are the only couple here, we should get a tent to ourselves.”

No. This is not happening, goddammit.

Huckslee and I had a plan. We were going to force Logan and Salem into their own tent and have Matty and Xed share so that we could finally be alone somewhere other than the bed of my truck. This is bullshit.

There’s a plug up my ass!

“I’ll fight you for it.” Lifting my fists, I advance toward Christian. “Square up.”

He jumps back as I aim for his stomach, putting me in a headlock, both of us scrambling until we fall to the ground, dirt and rocks digging into my back when we roll around.

“Ah...shit...Huckslee, get your bro off of me!”

That comment earns him a kidney punch, and then his hand comes down between my legs.

“Ouch, fuck! Did you just flick my dick, dude?”

“Accidentally on purpose.”

“Fuck you.”

Matt grabs an ice-cold water bottle from the cooler and dumps it on us. “That’s enough, you two.”

“Daddy Matty’s been activated,” Salem laughs.

Shaking out his wet hair, Christian pins me beneath him while he hisses in my ear. “You’re just desperate to get dicked down.”

“No fucking shit!”

“Christian and Arya get the extra tent. That’s final,” Matt barks, and I shove my best friend off me as I roll to my feet, shooting him a glower. Huck shakes his head, rolling his eyes even though he flashes me a sad smile.

“Where the hell are we supposed to sleep?” He takes a tent from Salem and stares at it like it has the plague. “All six of us have to squeeze into this?”

Logan studies Salem from his peripheral. “What’s the placement going to be? Like, who sleeps where?”

“Doesn’t matter.” I grab the tent, walking it over to a spot near the log fence. “We’ll figure it out later. Let’s just fall where we fall tonight.”

“Of course,youwould say that,” Xed mutters darkly, and I throw him a wink over my shoulder.

“If you want to snuggle me, Xed, all you have to do is ask.”

Christian smacks the side of my head. “Can we get this shit set up so that we can ride the bikes already?”

That shuts me up quickly.

Nearly an hour and several arguments later, both tents are erected, and we’re peeling off into the trees on our bikes—which honestly is a terrible idea because I’m fighting a boner the entire time with the plug vibrating against my prostate. Matthew follows on the four-wheeler with Salem sitting behind him, her camera pointed at us to capture footage for our socials.