Christian’s loud as fuck voice cuts her off when he practically skips out of the dispensary with a shit-eating grin, as shirtless as I am. Arya and Xed follow behind, both looking blitzed as hell. Two more issues to add to my ever-overflowing plate.
Ever since that night of the party, Xed’s been spending all of his time more stoned than sober, and Arya won’t leave the fucking apartment now that she and Christian are apparently dating. Seriously, if I have to watch her walk around in nothing but a towel any longer because she’s hoping I’ll initiate something or some shit, I’m gonna lose it.
“I got us some grade-A kush, my dude.” Christian flashes his bag of weed to Salem, waggling his brows, and I punch him on the shoulder.
“You interrupted something, asshole. And you better not be smoking in my truck.”
Arya giggles, rolling her eyes while she tugs up the hem of her dress. “Don’t be such a downer, Tay Bae.”
Kill me now, fucking hell.
“Yeah, Tay Bae, lighten up,” Christian mocks, smooshing my face between his fingers while Xed chuckles, looking like he has no idea where he even is.
Pulling a Zippo and a pipe out of his leather jacket, he reaches into the bag to pack a bowl. At first, I think nothing of it, bullshitting with Christian and Salem, until he flicks the flame right there next to the pump. I react instinctually, smacking the Zippo out of his hand and accidentally hitting the pipe, which shatters when it hits the ground.
“What the fuck?!”
Everyone stares down at the broken bits of glass in shock while I jab a finger into Xed’s chest. “You’re near a fucking gas pump, dumbass. You really think lighting up right here is a smart move?”
“God, my bad.” He holds up his palms, clearly trying to stay focused while he sways. I can smell the whiskey on his breath.
“What’s going on with you lately? I know Matty and Hannah leaving is gonna be hard on you, but come on, man–”
His palms connect with my chest as he shoves me against the jeep hard, spit landing on my cheek when he snarls in my face. “You don’t know fuckingshit, Taylor. What, is your own life so miserable that you have to mess with everyone else’s?”
“Pinche cabrón.” Christian jolts forward, reaching for Xed to pull him back, but I throw out an arm to stop him.
“Xed, take your hands off of me,” I warn slowly, balling up my fists as I fight the urge to swing at him, reminding myself that whatever he’s going through isn’t his fault.
Huck’s voice reaches my ears from behind. “What’s going on?”
Out of my peripheral, he and Logan round the front of the vehicle, but I don’t take my attention off Xed as he blinks slowly, gaze dropping to where he’s still pressing me into the jeep. His eyes widen before he lets go, stepping back abruptly. Everyone’s watching us, including Matty, and the two share a look before Xed scowls.
“You owe me a new pipe,” he mutters, forcing me out of the way when he pulls open the back door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Fuck you.” Pulling out my wallet, I slap some cash into Christian’s hand, telling him to buy something for Xed as Imove around to the passenger side. Huck and Logan slide into the back next to Xed while Matty and Arya wait for Christian near my truck since he’s been driving it.
“Are you okay?” Salem asks gently.
I can feel Huck’s eyes on the back of my skull. Xed scoffs, making me grit my teeth, and I pull open the glove box to rummage for my smokes.
“Just peachy. Let’s get this shitshow on the road.” Four more hours. Just four more hours.
After Christian returns to toss a new pipe at Xed through the open window, we take off again for the interstate. I connect my phone to the Bluetooth while I puff on my cig, throwing on some Lamb of God because I’m pissed off. The first six hours, we vibed to Salem’s reggae music and Xed’s techno, but now my bad mood is about to be everyone’s problem. I don’t give a fuck.
After a while of stewing, my phone vibrates on my lap.
Huckleberry: What was all that about?
I almost smile when I see his contact name, recalling our conversation where I called him my Huckleberry. He had no clue what I was talking about because he’s uncultured and has never seen the movie Tombstone.
Me: With Xed? Fuck if I know.
He’s been in a shitty mood ever since Matty dropped it on everyone that he and Hannah are leaving.
Huckleberry:Did he hurt you?
Me: Nah. Nothing I can’t handle. I’m tough.